
Friday Feb 05, 2016
02-05-16 Arab Radio on Syrian refugees, failure of American Arabs
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Ray Hanania hosts a special edition of TheArabDailyNews.com radio show Friday Feb. 5, 2016 at 8 am EST in Detroit (WNZK AM 690) and Washington D.C. (AM 700) on the plight of Syrian refugees and the crisis in Syria.

Saturday Jan 16, 2016
01-15-16 Arab Radio on Syria, President Obama and Nikki Haley
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Ray Hanania talks with callers on TheArabDailyNews.com live radio show in Detroit and Washington DC about Syria, Syrian refugees, President Obama's State of the Union Speech, the criticism from Republican South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and the upcoming election. We also talk with Evangelical Christians in the African American community about why they support Israel and have turned their backs on Christians in Bethlehem and Palestine and the Middle East. Friday Jan. 15, 2016 in a special radio broadcast. Visit www.TheArabDailyNews.com for more information or check out our podcasts on iTunes.

Thursday Jan 14, 2016
01-13-16 YahalaVoice Radio on Obama and Nikki Haley response
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Thursday Jan 14, 2016
Columnist and commentator Ray Hanania joins Bentley "Bawb" Patterson on his weekly radio show on YahalaVoice.com on Wednesday Jan. 13, 2016 to discuss the final State of the Union speech by President Barack Obama, and also the response presented by the Republican Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley. Hanania and Patterson also discuss the announcement that Al Jazeera America (AJAM) will be closing in April 2016.

Friday Jan 08, 2016
01-08-16 Wheaton College Prof Hawkins on Muslims & Chistians
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Friday Jan 08, 2016
Professor Larycia Hawkins, who was suspended for his comments on Facebook Dec. 10, 2015 that Muslims and Christians worship the same God, defends herself and explains why the controversy started. Wheaton College suspended Professor Hawkins, an African American professor of Political Science and began the process of terminating her employment. Professor Hawkins defends herself and her comments and challenges the college's actions.

Friday Dec 11, 2015
12-11-15 Arab Radio: Ramzy Sweis, Eileen Fleming
Friday Dec 11, 2015
Friday Dec 11, 2015
TheArabDailyNews.com Radio SHow, Friday Dec. 11, 2015.
Guests: Standup Comedian Ramzy Sweis discusses his comedy career and his theme "I Never Repeat a Joke." From Chicago and based in California, Ramzy writes for the San Diego Reader newspaper. His website is RamzySweis.com.
At the :30 minute mark, we interview writer, author and activist Eileen Fleming about her writings and how she became focused on Middle East issues and Justice for Palestine. Fleming also has written about the story of Mordechai Vanunu, the Moroccan Jew who later converted to Christianity and was persecuted and jailed by Israel for that and for exposing Israel's secret nuclear arms program. Vanunu remains under house arrest in Israel prohibited from leaving the country or talking to journalists. He was jailed in Israel's Gulag for 18 years, including 11 years in solitary confinement, a violation of the Fourth Geneva Conventions and fundamental Human Rights.
For more information on Eileen visit her website at EileenFleming.org.

Friday Nov 20, 2015
Friday Nov 20, 2015
Radio Podcast Nov. 20, 2015. How and why does the Western Media discriminate in its coverage of terrorist victims and incidents? Why was the Paris terrorism covered differently than the terrorism in Beirut only the day before? What are the factors that cause this phenomena that takes place in almost every incident, distinguishing acts of terrorism in the Arab and Muslim World from acts of terrorism in the West.
Host Sahar Khamis, professor of Communications interviews veteran journalist Ray Hanania.They discuss the factors that include the need to Nationalize the Arab and Muslim World into one identity; the politicization of terrorism against Arabs versus the humanizing of terrorism against targets in the West; is it driven by racism; what defines this distinction; how Israel's strategy against the Palestinians have become the blueprint for strategies to mis-portray Arab and Muslim rights. The solution? Learning as Arabs and Muslims to be tolerant of differing viewpoints and views in our community and becoming one community rather than 22 Arab national identities and two Muslim religious identity. We need to nationalize our image as Arabs and Muslims.
This podcast is a MUST LISTEN TO EVENT in order to understand the factors influencing this
Award winning radio host and University of Maryland Department of Communications Professor Sahar Khamis interviews veteran American Arab journalist Ray Hanania on the issue of the difference in how the Western Media covered the terrorism in Paris versus the terrorism in Beirut and the Arab and Muslim World
Dr. Sahar Khamis is an expert on Arab and Muslim media, and the former Head of the Mass Communication and Information Science Department in Qatar University. She is a former Mellon Islamic Studies Initiative Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago.
She is the co-author of the books: Islam Dot Com: Contemporary Islamic Discourses in Cyberspace (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) and Egyptian Revolution 2.0: Political Blogging, Civic Engagement and Citizen Journalism
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). Additionally, she authored and co-authored
numerous book chapters, journal articles and conference papers,
regionally and internationally, in both English and Arabic. She is the
recipient of a number of prestigious academic and professional awards,
as well as a member of the editorial boards of several journals in the
field of communication, in general, and the field of Arab and Muslim
media, in particular.
Dr. Khamis is a media commentator and
analyst, a public speaker, a human rights commissioner in the Human
Rights Commission in Montgomery County, Maryland, and a radio host, who
presents a monthly radio show on “U.S. Arab Radio” (the first
Arab-American radio station broadcasting in the U.S. and Canada).
Ray Hanania is an award winning former Chicago City Hall political reporter and columnist. He writes for al Jazeera English and Creators Syndicate. Hanania is the managing editor of The Arab Daily News at www.TheArabDailyNews.com.
Click here to read Hanania's analysis of the differences between the Western media coverage of the terrorism in Paris versus the terrorism in Beirut which occurred the day before, included the killing of three Americans, and receive dfar less worldwide fanfare than the terrorism the next day in Paris.
The radio show was broadcast on Friday Nov. 20, 2015 on WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit and AM 700 radio in Washington DC at 8 am EST. Hosted by Dr. Sahar Khamis.

Friday Nov 13, 2015
11-13-15 Muslim Truck Drivers win Discrimination lawsuit
Friday Nov 13, 2015
Friday Nov 13, 2015
The Arab Daily News Radio Show
Friday Nov. 13, 2015
Detroit, Washington DC 8 am EST. 55 minutes
Two Muslims filed a lawsuit when they were fired for refusing to deliver alcohol for an Illinois trucking company. The EEOC won the case but the case was never properly portrayed by the news media which denounced the verdict as Muslim entitlement and Muslim favoritism and even an example of Sharia Law.
We discuss the case with lead EEOC Attorney Aaron DeCamp on The Arab Daily News Radio show Friday Nov. 13, 2015. Although the rightwing news media twisted and distorted the case to present it as Muslims claiming privilege and entitlement, the EEOC notes that the plaintiffs had told the company when they were hired that they could not deliver alcohol and the company said it was not a problem. There were 1,100 employees and only two Muslims and in 2009, the company assigned an alcohol cargo to the first Muslim and 10 days later assigned an alcohol cargo to the second Muslim and both Muslims were fired three days later after refusing to deliver the alcohol cargoes. The case went to trial in 2015 and the trucking company admitted liability and acknowledged that they permitted drivers to turn away delivery assignments.
DeCamp explains the facts of the case and how this was a case of discrimination. The trucking company from downstate Illinois, was fined $240,000 by the jury.
We also discuss the issue of how to describe Arabs in America. Is it "Arab American" or is it "American Arab."
For more information about The Arab Daily News Radio show visit our website online at www.TheArabDailyNews.com. The show is broadcast live in Detroit and Washington DC every 2nd Friday of each month at 8 am EST on WNZK AM 690 in Detroit and on AM 700 radio in Washington D.C. You can listen to the show online when it is broadcast if you are not in the radio broadcast region, or in podcast format right here.

Friday Nov 06, 2015
11-06-15 Dave Wassim Abdullah, Iyad Afalqa on elections and politics
Friday Nov 06, 2015
Friday Nov 06, 2015
The Arab Daily News Radio show with host Ray Hanania, Friday November 6, 2015. (Hanania is doing a special show this morning sitting in for Atef Gawad but he'll be back next Friday Nov. 13, 2015) to do his show which is scheduled the 2nd Tuesday of the month broadcasting live in Detroit on WNZK AM 690 and in Washington D.C. on AM 700 radio … hosted on Laila Al-Husini’s US Arab Radio Network Radio Baladi which broadcasts every morning at 8 AM Eastern Standard Time
The radio call-in line is 248-557-3300 … tell us what YOU THINK about the top issues in the American Arab and Muslim American community.
For more information on this radio show visit:
am: Dave Wassim Abdallah elected to the Dearborn heights City Council. Mr. Abdallah talks about the challenges of being American Arab and Muslim running for public office and how he overcame them to win office in the Dearborn Heights City Council elections on Tuesday November 3, 2015. Abdallah promises he WON'T bring Sharia Law to Dearborn Heights ...
Here are links to his Facebook Pages:
Click here for his campaign website
Click here for his Facebook Page
8:30 Iyad Afalqa, vice chairman of the Arab American Democratic Caucus in California. Executive Board member of the Central Committee of the California Democratic Party. Mr. Afalqa talks about the importance of being engaged in American society and politics to make a difference not just for America but for issues including Palestine. Afalqa is the Democratic chairman representing a city of more than 250,000 residents.
Click here for Iyad's Facebook Page
========= =================
Info on Wassim Abdallah. Abdallah and his family have lived in Dearborn Heights since 2000. He has worked as a realtor in Dearborn Heights since 1989. Most importantly, Dearborn Heights is where he choose to raise his family. As a father, he knows how important it is to have safe neighborhoods and city services the public can rely on. As an experienced realtor, he knows the issues residents face, and how important it is to maintain our home values.
"I care very deeply about our community. As your councilman, I will fight for you everyday. As your councilman, I will be transparent, responsive, and will search for creative ways to fix our city’s challenges. My drive and passion are reflected in every job I take on. With your vote, I can utilize my keen business sense, and bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to City Hall. On your absentee ballot or in the polls on November 3, 2015, Please cast a vote for Wassim “Dave” Abdallah. Together we will pave the way for a brighter future in Dearborn Heights."
We also discuss the elections on Tuesday November 3, 2015 in nearby Hamtramck where voters elected a Muslim Majority to their City Council. Elected were Yemeni-American Saad Almasmari, and re-elected were Bangladesh natives Abu Musa and Anam Miah. They join Bangladeshi member Mohammed Hassan. Muslims now hold four of the council’s six seats in a city that was settled by Germans, became predominantly Polish in the early 1900s, and now has a slight majority of Muslims from Yemen, Bangladesh and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
10-24-15 Interfaith Comedy Highlight Muslim, Christian & Jew
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
This podcast features the 30 minute highlight segment of the 90 minute Interfaith Comedy Show performance on October 24, 2015 by comedians Aaron Freeman, Arif Choudhury and Ray Hanania, with a special premiere standup performance by Aaron Hanania. The event was taped before an audience of more than 250 people in the auditorium of the Holy Cross Church in Deerfield, co-sponsored by Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community. For more information on the performers of the Interfaith Comedy Show, visit the websites AaronFreeman.com, RayHanania.com and Aaron Hanania’s website at Aaron411.com.
Deerfield, Il. – An interfaith gathering of people committed to promoting religious tolerance and inter-cultural dialogue will host a comedy show in Deerfield Oct. 24 featuring three comedians of different faiths.
The three performers at the show hosted by the Southeast Lake County Inter-Religious Council are Jewish comic Aaron Freeman, Muslim comic Arif Choudhury and Christian comic Ray Hanania, with a special surprise premiere standup comedy performance by high school student Aaron Hanania.
The show was held at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Deerfield at 7 pm.
It is the fourth show co-sponsored by a coalition of several area religious congregations who are part of the Southeast Lake County Inter-Religious Council (SELCIRCL) including Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community of Deerfield, Christ United Methodist Church of Deerfield, First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield, Holy Cross Catholic Church of Deerfield, Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit of Lincolnshire, St. Gregory's Episcopal Church of Deerfield, and Zion Lutheran Church of Deerfield.
Freeman, who
is Jewish, and Hanania, who is Palestinian, have performed together in the past
under the label of The Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour that partnered with two
Israeli-based comedians, Yisrael Campbell and Charley Warady. Choudhury is
based in New York where he tours throughout the country. Aaron Hanania is Ray Hanania's 14-year-old son.
The Southeast Lake County Inter-Religious Council, (SELCIRCL), consists of the clergy of local Christian, Jewish and Bahai congregations from Southeast Lake County congregations.
“Together, we explore issues of interfaith and intercultural dialogue in order to promote understanding and greater tolerance, and to work together on issues of social justice,” said Rabbi Jodi Kornfeld of Beth Chaverim Humanistic Jewish Community.
“This is not only one of our most popular annual programs, but it is one of our most important. Through the media of live performances, we have been able to address questions of prejudice and stereotypes, and in the process, open the discussion more widely to how we can overcome our differences and find our common humanity.”
Aaron Freeman, one of Chicagoland’s best known comedians and media personalities called the show a unique mix that doesn’t happen as often as it should.
“Any time you can have an Arab, a Jew and a Muslim together on a stage, it can be explosive. You never know what’s going to happen,” Freeman said. “You want to make sure you are there, as witnesses.”
Comedian Bios:
Arif Choudhury is a professional storyteller, filmmaker, theater artist, and stand-up comic. He is currently working on a documentary film about folk storytellers in a remote village in China and just completed a short film entitled “Coloring”. Choudhury performs “More in Common than You Think,” his one-person program of stories for schools, libraries, conferences, and festivals around the country and abroad. He tells humorous stories of growing up in one of the few Bangladeshi-Muslim immigrant families in Chicago. Focusing on issues of ethnic and religious identity, assimilation, multiculturalism, and diversity, his stories poke fun at how we think of one another.
Aaron Freeman is a comedian, MOOC enthusiast, the Artist In Residence for the Chicago Council on Science and Technology. I lecture on science communication for Harvard's science communication program “comscicon.” Along with my wife, the comics artist Sharon Rosenzweig, he creates comics and comic videos for the website “Graphic Medicine” and for The Annals of Internal Medicine. Freeman is an improv actor, auctioneer, MC, host, moderator and “a great interview subject and all-around fun guy!” He is a member of The Israeli-Palestinian Comedy Tour, which performed in Israel, Palestine, Canada Ireland, and at campuses throughout the United States. His website is www.AaronFreeman.com.
Ray Hanania is an award winning journalist and Christian Palestinian activist and co-founder of The Israeli Palestinian Comedy Tour. Hanania’s comedy lampoons his married life: His wife, Alison, and son, Aaron, are Jewish. Hanania is not a professional comedian but entered standup comedy as a form of peace activism, using humor to respond to rising anti-Arab stereotypes and hatred following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Hanania has performed in London, Beirut and Dubai and form Arab and Jewish groups throughout the United States. His website is www.Hanania.com. He writers for the Southwest News-Herald Newspaper Group and Al Jazeera English
Cross Catholic Church
724 Elder Lane, Deerfield, Illinois
WHEN: Saturday, October 24, at 7 PM

Monday Oct 19, 2015
10-18-15 Rick Kogan interviews Ray Hanania on journalism & comedy
Monday Oct 19, 2015
Monday Oct 19, 2015
Rick Kogan, the veteran journalist, writer and WGN AM 720 Radio host of "After Hours with Rick Kogan" (Sunday nights at 9 pm CST) talks with former Chicago City Hall reporter and columnist Ray Hanania. The award winning Rick Kogan, who started in journalism at the Chicago Daily News, then the Chicago Sun-Times and in the mid-1980s moved to the Chicago Tribune, talks about the state of journalism and also Hanania's comedy act. Hanania was promoting his upcoming comedy show at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 724 Elder Lane, Deerfield, Illinois on Saturday, October 24, at 7 PM.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
10-14-15 Yahala Voice Radio with Bentley Patterson, Ray Hanania guests
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Wednesday Oct 14, 2015
Bentley Patterson hosts YahalaVoice Radio Wednesday Oct. 14, 2015 www.YahalaVoice.com and interviews Ray Hanania on the conflict in Israel and Palestine, discusses the power of "non-protest protests" like the phenomenal Team Palestine participation at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon on Oct. 11, 2015, talks with Palestinian activist Randa Mahmud, and takes calls from listeners.

Friday Oct 09, 2015
10-09-15 Syrian refugees; the 30th anniversary of the murder of Alex Odeh
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
The plight of Syrian refugees in Germany and the 30 year anniversary of the murder by Israeli extremists of Palestinian American Christian Alex Odeh in Santa Ana, California. Guests include Kelly Hayes-Raita and ADC Midwest Director Fatina Abdrabboh
The Arab Daily News Radio Show, Friday Oct. 9, 2015 with host Ray Hanania.
Hanania interviews author Kelly Hayes-Raitt about her upcoming book “Living Large in Limbo,” a look at the Iraqi refugees, and her writings recently not he tragedy of Syrian and other refugees making their way through Germany.
At 8:30 AM EST we talk with Fatina Abdrabboh the Midwest Director of Michigan’s Chapter of ADC on the 30th anniversary of the murder of Alex Odeh, who was killed on Oct. 11, 1985. Although the FBI and police agencies believe they know who the killers are, two of the suspects are reportedly living under Israeli protection in the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba (Qiryat Arba), living among the settler terrorists and fanatics who are funded and supported by the Israeli government.
The FBI has a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest and convictions of the killers of Odeh who died when a bomb exploded in his offices in Santa Ana, California. Kiryat Arba is located near occupied Hebron in the Occupied West Bank where some of the most vicious Israeli settler terrorists continue to operate and plan terrorism and violence against Christians and Muslims with the backing of the Israeli government and the protection of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Kiryat Arba is a base for settler terrorism and violence against Christian and Muslims living in the Israeli Occupied West Bank. Some of the worst terrorists live there and are protected by the Israeli military.
For more information on this radio show interview and other radio programs and podcasts focused on the rights of American Arabs, visit our website atwww.TheArabDailyNews.com.
Don't forget that ADC Michigan also has an event Nov. 13, 2015 at Byblos Banquets in Dearborn with some great speakers including the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
Broadcast live on WNZK AM 690 radio in Greater Detroit and in Washington DC on AM 700 radio. Hanania's show is live on the 2nd Friday of every month with special shows scheduled and publicized on the Arab Daily News website.

Friday Oct 02, 2015
Friday Oct 02, 2015
The Arab Daily News Radio Show Friday Oct. 2, 2015 (8 am EST) with host Ray Hanania on WNZK AM 690 in Detroit and AM 700 in Washington DC.

Friday Sep 11, 2015
09-11-15 Radio Sterling Heights, Sept. 11, 2001 and more
Friday Sep 11, 2015
Friday Sep 11, 2015
Sept. 11, 2015 Radio on WNZK, The Arab Daily News Radio Show, hosted by Ray Hanania
• What is the World doing to help Syrian babies? ironically Israel is the only country that says he won’t help and is building a new Apartheid Wall, not along the Syrian Border but along the Jordanian Border, which tells you what Israel really cares about. Poor Jordanians signed a "peace accord" with Israel. What a joke.
• In Sterling Heights -- often called Little Baghdad, Chaldean Christians from the Middle East joined crazy anti-Muslim American haters and cheered the blocking of the mosque there. Now the community is called "Sterling Hates.". Hate is so unbecoming of Christian Arabs and to see them join in with the Muslim haters is so depressing … they can’t get their grievances heard by being racist haters
• And, I just finished watching the end of the FX Series Tyrant … talk about a hateful TV series, and of course, produced by an Israeli … sick, sick, sick

Friday Sep 04, 2015
09-04-15 Sterling Heights Mosque Radio discussion
Friday Sep 04, 2015
Friday Sep 04, 2015
Listeners in Detroit and Washington DC discuss the proposal to build a mosque in Sterling Heights, Michigan, and the opposition from some residents, including mainstream Americans and non-Arab Christian Chaldeans in the community.