
Friday Aug 01, 2014
08-01-14Talk of the Town Radio Show Areikat, Baydoun
Friday Aug 01, 2014
Friday Aug 01, 2014
Palestinian Ambassador Maen Areikat discusses the collapsing ceasefire in the Gaza Strip between Hamas and Netanyahu's Israeli army on Talk of the Town with Ray Hanania on Yahala Voice radio August 1, 2014. Michigan legislative candidate Rashid Baydoun discusses his candidacy for the 11th Michigan House District. (A few telephone disconnects with Rashid, but he persists.) Also, we talk calls from callers. www.YahalaVoice.com Talk of the Town is broadcast live every Friday at 4 pm CST (5 PM EST, 12 midnight Jerusalem, Palestine).

Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
07-29-14 Fight for free speech at Academic Institutions
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Tuesday Jul 29, 2014
Host Ray Hanania interviews Iymen Chehade and Peter Kirstein on the ramifications of the controversy surrounding the failed effort by Columbia College to cancel a class Professor Chehade was teaching on the Palestine-Israel conflict. Chehade's course was cancelled in November 2013 when a student alleged he was biased -- for showing a movie celebrated by Palestinians and Israelis, called "5 Broken Cameras." Click here for past articles and interviews.

Thursday Jul 17, 2014
07-17-14 Israel's invasion of Gaza, Hanania & Younes debate the issues
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
Thursday Jul 17, 2014
07-17-14 Israel's invasion of Gaza, Hanania & Younes debate the issues

Friday Jul 11, 2014
07-11-14 Israel's war against the Palestinian
Friday Jul 11, 2014
Friday Jul 11, 2014
Ali Younes and Ray Hanania, editors at The Arab Daily News online news website at www.TheArabDailyNews.com discuss the many aspects of the bombardment by Israel of the Palestinian civilians living in the Gaza Strip. Issues include how the conflict started and the factual history that shows Israeli settlers and soldiers were murdering and attacking Palestinian civilians long before the tragic June 12, 2014 kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers (Naftali Frankel and Gil-ad Sha'er, both 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19) and the subsequent torture murder of Mohammad Abu Khdeir the day that the bodies of the three Israeli children were discovered. Since then, nearly 100 Palestinians have been killed including 23 children, according to Reuters News Service. Issues include how the conflict started. The exaggeration of the killings. The imbalance of how only Palestinians are being killed by Israeli bombardment of Gaza yet the media focuses on the Hamas and Palestinian resistance to Israel's assault which has resulted in no Israeli killed. The bias of the mainstream American media including ABC TV and Diane Sawyer using video of the destruction of Palestinian areas and misrepresenting them as video showing the destruction of Israelis. Also, what responsibilities do the Arabs have in the war. Is there a difference between an Israeli government committing war crimes and individual militant Palestinians committing war crimes? Are Arabs responding properly or are they dysfunctional and incompetent in defending themselves in the public debate? And why is the Arab World not standing up to defend the Palestinians who are being massacred by Israel's indiscriminate attack mainly against civilian targets in the Gaza Strip? Who is responsible and what can be done.

Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Telephone Scam Artists from
Sunday Jun 29, 2014
Sunday Jun 29, 2014

Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
04-30-14 Ghassan Monayer, Christian Israeli harassed for expressing opinion on Facebook
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
Wednesday Apr 30, 2014
04-30-14 Ghassan Monayer, Christian Israeli harassed for expressing opinion on Facebook

Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Eileen Fleming 04-08-14 on Israel and Nuclear Weapons
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014
Tuesday Apr 08, 2014

Eileen Fleming, the only non-Arab writer at The Arab Daily News www.TheArabDailyNews.com has dedicated the past 9 years writing about Vanunu and the just cause of the Palestinian people against Israel’s oppression and brutality.

Thursday Mar 27, 2014
Interview with AAUP VP Peter Kirstein on Columbia College-Iymen Chehade controversy
Thursday Mar 27, 2014
Thursday Mar 27, 2014
Peter Kirstein, PH.D, is the vice president of the Illinois Conference of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). He discusses a recent AAUP report which concluded that Columbia College Professor Iymen Chehade had been discriminated against by the College following an anonymous complaint that was made accusing him of bias in his class instruction addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict. The report described Columbia College's actions as "inappropriate, arbitrary and a violation of Instructor Chehade’s academic freedom." Kirstein is also Chairman of the Illinois Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure, and a Professor of History at Saint Xavier University. The AAUP website is www.ILAAUP.org. The program is hosted by Ray Hanania, managing editor of the Arab Daily News online at www.TheArabDailyNews.com.

Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Interview with Iymen Chehade Columbia College Professor 3-26-14
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Wednesday Mar 26, 2014
Columbia College Professor Iymen Chehade discusses the censorship of his class by the Chicago Illinois based College administration after an anonymous student filed an official complaint against him accusing him of bias. Although the College failed to do a complete investigation or to identify the individual making the complaint, Professor Chehade's class was censored and he was prevented from teaching an important segment of the class he has been teaching for the past three years on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Chehade discusses the incident, the response of the college and protests that have been directed against the college because of its obvious anti-Arab bias. Columbia College has a history of anti-Arab conduct and the Chehade incident is only the latest. Host Ray Hanania on the Arab Daily News podcast. Click here to read a story about Iymen Chehade's case. Produced by The Arab Daily News podcast www.TheArabDailyNews.com. Discrimination against American Arab professors from pro-Israel extremists has increased and many college and universities around the country are denying American Arabs their rights to convey aspects of the Israel-Palestine conflict that challenge the lies and distortions from the pro-Israel fanatics.

Thursday Mar 20, 2014
03-20-14 Interview with Comedian Ramzy Sweis
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Thursday Mar 20, 2014
Ray Hanania interviews Ramzy Sweis, the Humor Editor at the Arab Daily News online news website www.TheArabDailyNews.com about his comedy career and whack-a-doodle life.

Writers chase their shadow. William Saroyan said: "The writer is a spiritual anarchist, as in the depth of his soul every person is." I’ve had a colorful & frivolous 29 years. Worked construction; a pantry-cook in college. I studied at 6 alternate colleges. A trained boxer. My script, You Can’t See God, won awards from Chicago Screenwriter’s Network (whom I worked for) to Tribeca. I directed, acted & edited a 70-minute biopic on tinnitus. I’m currently shooting a standup comedy show: “I Never Repeat A Joke.”
At 19, I submitted a novella, Joy, Faith, Hope, June & Grace, to Vanity Press (received rave reviews by its’ readers). I performed surgery on it, revising it 12 times in passing 9 years. I cut 100 pages for starters. I retained the original copy. I am the only author with 2 different stories of the same plot. Fraternal twins instead of Siamese. Marketing gold. We are wired to listen; metaphors abound for what works best to engage. When I think of a joke, I take the audience on a journey. Laughter is a miracle — people see the world differently afterward. Jot ideas to strengthen the muscles. The detection of great art is conceived in the perception of imagination. Zoom in with copious detail; captivate; a pleasure to viewers who want to absorb not think!

Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Jordan accepts Apology that doesn't exist from Israel 03-18-14
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
A Jordanian Judge who was traveling to Nablus, Palestine, Raed Zeiter, was shot and killed by Israeli border guards at the Allenby Bridge crossing on Monday, March 10, when he allegedly protested against abuse by the soldiers. For more than one week, Israel did not issue any statement on the killing, which critics charged was unprovoked, and Jordanians protested throughout the country against the murder. Jordanian military and police brutally suppressed the protests. After more than one week of criticism, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli President Shimon Peres called Jordan's King Abdullah II and offered their "regrets" over the death. Jordan immediately told the Jordanian public that Peres had "apologized." In fact, there was no apology. The story was picked up by Ali Younes, the editor of The Arab Daily News online. Younes discusses the story and the ramifications of the story with The Arab Daily News Managing Editor Ray Hanania. Click here for the story link. Podcast March 18, 2014.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Ray Hanania: Obama not giving up on Middle East Peace or Palestinians
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
Tuesday Feb 04, 2014
President Barack Obama delivered his 6th State of the Union Speech last month and many Arabs were wondering if he is still committed to peace in the Middle East given the obstructionist actions being taken by Israel to block peace. Ray Hanania reviews the history of State of the Union Speeches and analyzes President Obama's 6 State of the Union speeches and offers his insight into why Obama has not given up. TheArabDailyNews.com.

Thursday Jul 18, 2013
07-18-13 Democracy in Egypt
Thursday Jul 18, 2013
Thursday Jul 18, 2013
Journalists Ali Younes and Ray Hanania discuss the military coup that brought an end to Democracy in Egypt in July 2013 and imprisoned Mohammed Morsi, the Democratically elected President of Egypt. More than 25 million Egyptians (1/3 of the country's population and 80 percent of the registered voters) voted in the June 2012 elections that resulted in Morsi being elected. One year later, anti-Morsi activists staged massive protests and won the support of the Egyptian Military which had been battling with Morsi's new government. The military stepped in amid the violent anti-Morsi protests and arrested Morsi and members of his government. The Egyptian military, which is subsidized with a $1.5 billion grant from the United States, appointed new cabinet members and an acting president that suited their political agenda, bringing to an end the failed Democracy experiment in Egypt. The United States, which has a law prohibiting it from funding military coups, has turned a blind eye and pretends that it is not a military coup, and Egyptian foes of Morsi claim they represent real Democracy. even though their movement is one based on violence and confrontation. Journalists Ali Younes and Ray Hanania discuss some of the issues in this audio podcast of All Things Arab. Visit the Facebook Page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/All-Things-Arab/176756549075946.

Friday May 17, 2013
05-17-13 Radio Baladi Newseum Syria Google
Friday May 17, 2013
Friday May 17, 2013
Radio Baladi with Ray Hanania and Ali Younes on WNZK AM 690 Radio Friday May 17, 2013 www.RadioBaladi.com. Topics include the new campaign by Google to censor Arab writers online by targeting and shutting down their blogs. Hundreds of blogs by American Arabs and Arabs in the Middle East have been closed, claiming to be "spam sites."The truth maybe that Google recognize Palestine as a state a few weeks back and designated the West Bank as Palestine and that caused an uproar in the pro-Israel hate community. Google maybe trying to appease the Israeli extremists and fanatics by targeting the hate groups, rather than reversing themselves and calling Palestine Ïsrael"as the pro-Israeli haters are demanding. Also, they discuss the situation in Jordan with the rise of Syrian refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria and oppression of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad whose military has targeted civilians. The conflict has created an opportunity for terrorists like al-Qaeda to infiltrate and engage the conflict, also. The Syria conflict has divided the Arab Community and the Arab World. Finally, we also talk about the shameful conduct of the Newseum, the Journalism Museum in Washington DC, which this week caved to pro-Israel hate activists. Last week, the Newseum announced it was recognizing as "Fallen Heroes" 88 journalists who were killed in conflict zones, including two Palestinian journalist working for the Hams-owned TV station al-Quds. The journalists, Mahmoud AlKumi and Hussam (Hossam) Salama, were driving in their car which was marked as "TV" on the roof -- standard practice for war zone journalists. They had just left covering a story at al-Shifaa hospital in Central Gaza where scores of Palestinian civilians were being treated who were attacked by Israeli military and settlers by missiles and bombs. The Israeli military IDF fired two missiles at the car killing both journalists. Israel claims all Palestinians are terrorists and therefore can be killed no matter their jobs, profession or even age. for more information visit www.Hanania.com.

Friday May 10, 2013
05-10-13 Radio Baladi Syrian Refugees Israeli Peace
Friday May 10, 2013
Friday May 10, 2013
Radio Baladi broadcast Friday May 10, 2013 on WNZK AM 690 radio live in Metro-Detroit and online at www.RadioBaladi.com with co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes. We discuss the rising tensions in Jordan with the influx of Syrian refugees, efforts to bring about an end to the Syrian government oppression of its people, the Benghazi attacks and the aftermath, and Israel's decision to build more settlements in the West Bank rejecting peace with the Palestinians. Read Ray Hanania's columns and view his online video commentary blog at www.Hanania.com or www.RayHanania.com ... we also talk with Jesse Greene who lives in new York and has been trying to include products grown by Palestinians in his food coop and he discusses the challenges he is facing. Reach him on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/JesseGreene01