
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
07-14-16 I stand with the Police, First
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Tuesday Jul 19, 2016
Ray Hanania's Podcast Column Commentary July 14, 2016, I Stand with the Police First, discussing the recent murders of 8 uniformed Police Officers in Dallas, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana in the past few weeks. The column explores what the real issues are that should be addressed, from racism to the lack of parental involvement in the lives of young children. For more information visit www.TheMediaOasis.com.
I Stand with the Police, first
July 14, 2016
By Ray Hanania
I stand with the Police because the majority of Police officers are professionals who put their lives on the line everyday and night to protect us from criminals.
But I also know that among the thousands of police in America, some have acted disgracefully and many have taken innocent lives.
The answer isn’t to turn this into an issue of racism, as some have done on both sides of the debate. It’s to acknowledge all of the ugly facts that have turned this country upside down resulting in the murder of five Dallas Police officers by an Afghan war veteran.
And the answer isn’t to refuse to acknowledge that some cops don’t deserve to be cops and they should be prosecuted for murder and crime. Police can be criminals, too, and that is even worse than a normal criminal. ...

Friday Jul 08, 2016
07-08-16 Arab Radio Detroit Police-Black violence Middle East Terrorism
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Friday Jul 08, 2016
The Arab Daily News Radio show broadcast live in Detroit on WNZK AM 690 and in Washington DC on AM 700 and live online discusses with listeners and callers the recent murders of Black people by police and the killings of police by criminals in retaliation in Dallas. Isn't this the real terrorism that we face? Isn't this violence terrorism greater than the terrorism in the Middle East?

Friday Jul 08, 2016
07-07-16 Chicago City Hall Mayors, Rahm Emanuel and Chicago's Arabs
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Friday Jul 08, 2016
Ray Hanania's weekly column podcast focuses this week on covering Chicago Mayors from Daley to Daley and the challenges faced by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago's American Arab community. Can they overcome their differences? It's not easy being mayor but Emanuel and American Arabs must try.
For more information visit Ray Hanania's website at www.RayHanania.com, his Middle East news site www.TheArabDailyNews.com and his mainstream American news site www.IllinoisNewsNetwork.com.
I covered Chicago City Hall and every Chicago Mayor from Richard J. Daley to Richard M. Daley and I know from interviewing the seven mayors during that period that being mayor is no easy job. But Daley’s successor Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s office has repeatedly turned down interview requests from me and while I understand the challenges Mayor Emanuel faces, he needs to open his door more. It’s not an easy job being mayor but it is made much worse when you close the door to the ethnic and community news media.
Click here to read the column.

Friday Jul 01, 2016
07-01-16 Arab Radio Detroit on Iraq, Chaldeans, Bernie Sanders
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Ray Hanania hosts a special broadcast of the Arab Daily News Radio show on Friday July 1, 2016 to discuss the bombings in Turkey, the killings in Iraq of civilians and in Syria, and the racism of Americans against Arabs, Muslims and Chaldeans
We’re opening the phone lines to talk about
we'll be talking about Hillary Clinton's efforts to undermine peace for the Palestinians and her denying the "occupation" which will fuel more violence and the need to step up resistance against Israel's illegal brutal and oppressive occupation ...
the more Israel refuses to recognize Palestinian rights, the more Palestinians have an absolute right to fight for freedom ...
also, we'll talk about the terrorism in Turkey and the hypocrisy of Americans ... they love to sympathize with White Europeans who die at the hands of terrorists but don't seem to care much when the victims are dark skinned, Muslim, Arab or Palestinian ...
Does anyone out there NOT think that the war in Iraq opened pandora’s box for al-Qaeda, ISIS and radical religious terrorism throughout the world today? Does anyone not blame former President George W. Bush and the anti-Christ, former Vice President Dick Cheney. Bush and Cheney especially destroyed Iraq … the country is nothing today and will be wiped off the map by fanaticism and corporate greed that is draining every dollar and value out of that country … Iraqi’s don’t know it yet but that country today is insignificant and no one cares about it any more … and it is slowly being wiped off the map and is today insignificant …
And they are doing the same thing to Syria, too
I was with Mayor Rahm Emanuel this past week, too, and he was very courteous and receptive and I hope he will change and improve his relations with American Arabs. We'll see. But we have to end the politics of anger and dysfunction and understand American Politics and be a part of it, not apart from it.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
06-28-16 Rahm Emanuel hosts Iftar for Muslims
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Wednesday Jun 29, 2016
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel hosted an Iftar for Muslims on June 28, 2016. The Iftar, breaking the fast at sunset during Ramadan, was held at the Chicago Cultural Center. Emanuel spoke about his commitment to diversity, fairness, fighting hate and being inclusive. Many American Arabs attended the event.

Monday Jun 27, 2016
Crackdown on high performance guns to save lives
Monday Jun 27, 2016
Monday Jun 27, 2016
RAY HANANIA'S Column-Commentary Podcasts, June 23, 2016

Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
06-16-16 Baby Boomers, losing weight and giving up Red Meats
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Ray Hanania's column & commentary podcast. June 16, 2016 on Baby boomers, diets and weight loss.
Baby Boomers, red meats and an obsession with weight
June 16, 2016 Column (Southwest News Newspaper Group, Illinois News Network at IllinoisNewsNetwork.com.)
By Ray Hanania
Many social patterns arose during thehigh points of the Baby Boomer generation.
They include a lot of things, like:
“Seizing the day,” Carpe Diem,which basically means one of two things to Baby Boomers: not saving until you are in the final turn towards retirement, or using your success to fleece the public to pack your retirement benefits beyond justification, something many state educators and government union bosses have done.

Embracing drugs including marijuana,while turning to alcohol obsession as a legal alternative.
Eating like there was no tomorrow.Our generation helped build the extremely unhealthy fast food industry. Baby Boomers financed the rise of the barbecue, which wasn’t used to cook healthy foods but to eat bad foods like red meats,processed garbage like hot dogs and baloney and red meat mixed with “meat slime” and “glue,” yes Glue!
Our generation fueled the rise of health clubs, places more about socializing than weight lose or health for most people. Some people more easily benefit from exercise and six-packs come naturally. But for the majority, exercise is not the answer to manage weight problems. It definitely is helpful, though. ... (Click to read more)
(Ray Hanania is an award winning former Chicago City Hall reporter and columnist. Email him at rghanania@gmail.com.)

Friday Jun 10, 2016
Friday Jun 10, 2016
Ray Hanania hosts his live radio show in Detroit and Washington DC (and online) discussing this week the life and impact of Muhammad Ali, the presidential race and the narrowed field with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with praise for Bernie Sanders who should still run as an independent candidate (Hell with them all).
The radio interview is broadcast live on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroit and on AM 700 Radio in Washington D.C. and is podcast.
Read the Column at Al Jazeera English.
You can also listen live online during the show broadcast by clicking this link:
Click here or use the widget here.
You can call in during the show and share your opinion by dialing 248-557-3300.

Thursday Jun 09, 2016
06-09-16 What Muhammad Ali meant to American Arabs, and to me
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Thursday Jun 09, 2016
Audio podcast of Ray Hanania's weekly column about the significance of Heavyweight boxing championMuhammad Ali (Mohammed Ali, Cassius Clay) to the American Arab, Palestinian and Muslims community, and to the author. This lengthy column, 11 minutes long, is the extended version of columns published at Al Jazeera English, the Southwest News Newspaper group, and TheArabDailyNews.com online news source for American Arabs.

Thursday Jun 02, 2016
06-02-16 The dying American Newspaper Column Commentary
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Thursday Jun 02, 2016
Award winning columnist Ray Hanania's column published June 2, 2016 addresses the dying newspaper industry and his encounter with a relic, an actual newspaper, while everyone around him is deep into their cell phones tapping on their screens and reading stories online. Does anyone still read a daily newspaper?

Friday Apr 08, 2016
04-08-16 Arab Radio Congressional Candidate Jesse Sbaih
Friday Apr 08, 2016
Friday Apr 08, 2016

Jesse Sbaih, a congressional candidate running in Nevada's 3rd district in the June 14 Democratic Primary election, joins The Arab Daily News Radio program, Friday April 8 to discuss his candidacy. Sbaih is American Arab and Muslim and he was told by Democratic Senator Harry Reid that he could not win election in Nevada because of his religion. Sbaih immigrated to America with his parents from Jordan when he was a young child. His parents are Palestinian refugees (father from Jerusalem, mother from Hebron). He is one of seven candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination for Congress in the 3rd District.
Reid is reflecting the reality of the challenges that discrimination against American Arabs and Muslims has created in this country. But Sbaih discusses that issue and others during the 60 minute long interview with radio host Ray Hanania.
The radio interview is broadcast live on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroit and on AM 700 Radio in Washington D.C. and is podcast.
You can also listen live online during the show broadcast by clicking this link:
Click here or use the widget here.
You can call in during the show and share your opinion by dialing 248-557-3300.
We discuss Sbaih's election candidacy and how his race and religion play into politics. Has he experienced discrimination, but also the support he has received from voters not driven by stereotypes and racism? We also discuss the issues he is addressing and his campaign platform. Additionally, we'll discuss the role of American Arabs and Muslims in the election process. Do we take the system for granted? Do we do enough to participate and vote? Are we respected in the American political system and in American society?
How can we empower our community to be a more effective voice in helping to define the American political process and system.
His website is http://www.votesbaih.com/

Friday Mar 11, 2016
03-11-16 Arab Radio Ray Hanania on Michigan Elections
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Ray Hanania talks with listeners in Dearborn, Michigan and Washington DC about the results of the Michigan election primaries and the victories of both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump on March 8, 2016. The Arab Daily News Radio show is broadcast the 2nd Friday of every month live from Dearborn to Michigan, Ohio and Washington D.C. and is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini.

Thursday Mar 10, 2016
03-08-16 Bernie Sanders Ad on Arabic Radio Detroit
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Thursday Mar 10, 2016
Bernie Sanders was the only candidate for president who purchased radio ads appealing for support among Arabs, Muslims and Middle East Christians. The Ad appeared on US Arab Radio based in Dearborn, Michigan which broadcasts to Michigan, Ohio and Washington D.C. The radio show is hosted by American Syrian journalist Laila Alhusinni on WNZK AM 690 every morning Monday through Friday at 8 am EST.

Thursday Feb 25, 2016
02-24-16 Arab Radio YahalaVoice Randa Mahmoud & Ray Hanania
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Thursday Feb 25, 2016
Randa Mahmoud and Ray Hanania co-host and fill-in for the weekly show "Bawb and Friends" hosted by Bentley Patterson on Yahala Voice Radio Wednesday Feb. 24, 2016.

Friday Feb 12, 2016
02-12-16 Arab Radio: Who Arabs support for President
Friday Feb 12, 2016
Friday Feb 12, 2016
TheDailyHookah.com and TheArabDailyNews.com present the Arab Radio show with Ray Hanania Friday Feb. 12, 2016.