
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
02-25-15 Rush Darwish, Ray Hanania and Bob discuss Chicago's Mayoral election
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Radio hosts Rush Darwish and Bentley Bob discuss the Chicago mayoral election with former Chicago City Hall reporter Ray Hanania during a segment of Darwish's popular live Chicago radio show "Riseup Radio" on 1450 AM (every Wednesday from 4:30 until 6 pm CST). The 20 minute segment assesses the assets and shortcomings of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his primary challenger County Commissioner Jesus Garcia who beat out three other challengers to force Emanuel into a run-off election on April 7. Darwish, Bob and Hanania examine the issues behind Emanuel's failure to win 50 percent of the vote, Garcia's strong showing and the role of American Arabs. They also discuss the candidacy of American Arab candidate Samantha Haddad Webb who ran unsuccessfully for alderman of the 10th Ward and the failure of American Arab and Muslim voters to support her enthusiastically.

Monday Feb 16, 2015
02-13-15 Alexandra Halaby, Ali Younes on Chapel Hill, Palestine water rights
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Monday Feb 16, 2015
Alexandra Halaby, spokesperson for the International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC at www.IMEMC.org) which publishes a daily list of the most essential news stories from Occupied Palestine and the Middle East, discusses Palestine water rights stolen by Israel's occupation army. And she joins in to discuss reaction to the horrific murder of three Arab students at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Also joining the show is Ali Younes, co-editor of The Arab Daily News (www.TheArabDailyNews.com) discussing the Chapel Hill shootings and upheaval in the Middle East.
If you wanted to understand the Apartheid Nature of Israel, all you have to do is read the stories at IMEMC that the biased mainstream American news media ignores and doesn’t report. Every week, Palestinian civilians are murdered. Every week, an Israeli allegedly convicted of a violent crime or act of terrorism is set free by Israel’s apartheid government and war criminal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Every week, Palestinians are brutalized, detained and sent to the Israeli Gulag, and their property is destroyed.
We also discuss the murder of American peace activist Kayla Mueller who was kidnapped by Daesh (ISIL/ISIS) and allegedly killed during a Jordanian military assault on Daesh targets. Many believe, though, that Mueller was murdered prior to the strike and the Daesh religious fanatics were lying for propaganda purposes as they have lied about other hostages. Tragically, many Israelis are celebrating the murder of American ISIL prisoner Kayla Mueller because Mueller had worked to support Palestinian civilians terrorized by Israel's military and the Israeli terror network of illegal settlements that have been pushing Israel to extremism. Many vicious hateful Israelis and American Jewish activists have celebrated and praised Mueller's murder as they have the murder of another American killed by Israeli forces, Rachel Corrie.
Halaby, who is now also a blogger at The Arab Daily News online news site, reads the last letter that was written by Mueller before her murder. The letter is published on the IMEMC web site. Click here to read Halaby's story.
But the big story this week is American racism and hate against Arab Americans and Muslims … in Chapel Hill where three students were murdered, shot in the head repeatedly by a White American Man who described himself as an Atheist.
Talk of the Town Radio Show is hosted by Ray Hanania and is broadcast every Friday at 4 pm on 1450 AM Radio and simulcast live on YahalaVoice.com radio. The show is rebroadcast every Monday on YahalaVoice at 11 am. This show was broadcast on Friday February 13, 2015.

Friday Feb 13, 2015
02-13-15 Rush Darwish, Chapel Hill Shooting, American Muslim Arab relations
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Friday Feb 13, 2015
Darwish and Hanania take phone calls from listeners in Greater Detroit and Greater Washington DC on the recent slaughter of three Arabs who were Muslim in Chapel Hill. Was it a hate crime? Was it an act of terrorism? Or, was it the act of an individual as many American insist. But Americans describe every act of violence by an Arab or a Muslim as an act of terrorism and a hate crime. Is there hypocrisy here?
Has the biased mainstream American news media covered this slaughter the way they cover and exaggerate violence by Arabs and Muslims?
We also talk with callers about Christian-Muslim relations and defining the victims as Muslims or as Arabs.

Monday Feb 09, 2015
02-06-15 Asra Nomani on radicalism in Middle East
Monday Feb 09, 2015
Monday Feb 09, 2015
Muslim female activist and author Asra Nomani discusses extremism and radicalism in the Arab and Muslim community. Nomani talks about her friend, Daniel Pearl, one of the first Western journalists beheaded by Islamic extremists in 2002, and about how hatred drives extremism in the Middle East. An accomplished author, Nomani confronts extremist threats and attacks constantly because she represents the future of women's rights in the Muslim World.
We also discuss her several books on Islam which have caused a stir in the Arab and Muslim community … a woman leading the debate on politics and the battle between moderation and extremism is unacceptable to many …
Nomani is admired by moderates in the Arab and Muslim community because of her courage to stand up and advocate her views in the face of so much hatred and anger.
Asra Nomani guests on Talk of the Town Radio with host Ray Hanania, 1450 AM Radio every Friday at 4 pm CST Chicago time, and also broadcast live online at www.YahalaVoice.com radio.

Friday Feb 06, 2015
02-06-15 Saudi Arabia womens rights ISIL oil
Friday Feb 06, 2015
Friday Feb 06, 2015
US Arab Radio Host Atef Jawab discusses Saudi Arabia and challenges it faces from ISIL to civil rights and women's rights. Broadcast in Detroit and Washington DC on Friday morning Feb. 6, 2015 at 8 am EST on WNZK AM 690 radio live. The participants talk about women rights in Saudi Arabia including driving cars, voting, and also the rights of women int he West and the challenges they continue to face.
Guests include:
Ray Hanania is an award winning Palestinian American writer. He covered Chicago City Hall from 1976 until 1992 for the Daily Southtown and the Chicago Sun-Times. He launched his own political consulting firm Urban Strategies Group in 1992. Hanania provides analysis of Chicagoland, Illinois and national issues for the Southwest News-Herald Newspaper and analysis of Middle East issues for the Saudi Gazette. Hanania has managed the election campaigns of more than 60 candidates for public office from Chicago aldermen and cook county commissioner to statewide and congressional offices.
Walid Jawad is a conflict analysis and resolution expert. He was a Senior Policy Analyst at the U.S. Department of State (2006-2010) and a Washington, DC correspondent (1997-2006), covering the White House, the State Department and the U.S. Congress. Walid holds an undergraduate degree in Decision Science and Management Information Systems, and a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution.
Amal Namangani, a solutions leader with General Electric Healthcare Saudi Arabia, is an award winning activist for her community outreach and and commitment to diversity and has been recognized by the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh for her work with students with disabilities. She has a B.A. in English Literature from King Abdulaziz University Jeddah & a Master in Health Information Management from the University of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
At the 35 minute mark of the audio file, Hanania is attacked by a listener in Detroit who says he should "move to Arabia" because he "doesn't love America." Fascinating discussion about American Arab rights.

Thursday Feb 05, 2015
01-30-15 Grant Smith on the evil Israel Lobby AIPAC
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Thursday Feb 05, 2015
Grant Smith of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (www.IRMEP.org) discusses the power and corruption of the Israeli lobby and how Americans can stand up to the evil influence of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) which controls the Congress and forced the appearance of war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu to speak at a joint session of the US Congress without involvement of the president of the United States, Barack Obama. Israel's lobby can make or break any American who dares to challenge the foreign policy of Israel, a foreign country.

Thursday Jan 15, 2015
01-16-15 Ali Younes on Charlie Hebdo terrorism
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Co-Editor of The Arab Daily News online (www.TheArabDailyNews.com) discusses the Charlie Hebdo terrorism and how anti-Muslim activists and pro-Israel activists are using the terrorism murders of the magazine's staff to deify and make ok racist and bigoted caricatures. Charlie Hebdo is a racist publication that has attacked Arabs and Muslims and other religions including Judaism and Christianity. Yet, the focus of elevating Charlie Abdo to a position of respect in the context of "free speech" stretches the bounds of principle and morality. Both the terrorist attacks and the murders should be condemned. Condemn the terrorism and murder, and also condemn Charlie Hebdo for promoting racist hatred int he guise of "satire." Racism is not funny. This is a pre-taped segment for Talk of the Town Radio hosted by Ray Hanania and broadcast live on 1450 AM Radio and www.YahalaVoice.com online radio on Friday's at 4:05 pm. Visit www.TheArabDailyNews.com for more information.

Thursday Jan 15, 2015
01-16-15 Alexandra Halaby on Palestine News Reporting
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Thursday Jan 15, 2015
Alexandra Halaby, the North American Spokesperson & Media Liaison for the International Middle East Media Center (www.IMEMC.org) discusses the IMEMC's program to deliver accurate news and features and stories about Palestine to Western audiences in English. She also discusses the Hasbara campaign by pro-Israel activists who are using deception to undermine Palestinian rights and promote divisions in the Palestinian and Arab community. This is a pre-taped segment for Talk of the Town Radio hosted by Ray Hanania and broadcast live on 1450 AM Radio and www.YahalaVoice.com online radio on Friday's at 4:05 pm. Visit www.TheArabDailyNews.com for more information.

Monday Jan 05, 2015
01-02-15 Ziad Asali on peace; Stanley Cohen on Arab terror suspects
Monday Jan 05, 2015
Monday Jan 05, 2015
This week on Talk of the Town Radio with Ray Hanania with feature two interviews. In the first segment, we interview Ziad Asali the President of the American Task Force on Palestine, the largest grassroots Palestinian American advocacy organization in the United States. Asali discusses the consequences of the failed UN Security Council resolution to recognize Palestinian Statehood and sovereignty, and the need for Arab citizens of Israel to participate and not boycott the March 17, 2015 special Israeli elections. About 20 percent of the Israeli voting population is Palestinian, but many Palestinians have boycotted the elections rather than exercise their right to vote and influence the demise of the rightwing fanatics who control Israel's government. Palestinian Israeli voters can help undermine the power of extremist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the religious fanatics and re-direct Israel back to the negotiating table to recognize Palestinian rights to statehood.

Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
12-26-14 Ramzy Sweis on Comedy, Ali Younes on Jordan
Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
Wednesday Dec 31, 2014
Comedian Ramzy Sweis joins us for a hilarious discussion on Talk of the Town radio on Friday Dec. 26, 2014 on YahalaVoice.com with Ray Hanania.

Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
12-19-14 Chicago's Mayoral Race, Garcia or Fioretti
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
How do we defeat the most anti-Arab racist Chicago Mayor ever, Rahm Emanuel? Who do we vote for. In a continuing series to explore the options for voters in the February 24, 2015 Chicago Mayoral election, we speak with Samir Khalil executive director of the Arab American Democratic Club which has endorsed Cook County Commissioner Jesus Garcia. Although many Arabs support Ald. Bob Fioretti, Khalil argues that Garcia has a long history of supporting Palestine. But the issue is, can Garcia win?

Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
12-12-14 Bob Fioretti on Race for Chicago Mayor
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Tuesday Dec 16, 2014
Chicago Alderman Bob Fioretti (2nd Ward discusses his candidacy for mayor of Chicago, challenging the most anti-Arab mayor Chicago has ever had, Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Fioretti discusses how he believes he can defeat Emanuel citing the mayor's deteriorating support in key communities. He reiterates his commitment to diversity, an issue that Emanuel has abandoned. And, Fioretti talks about the key issues facing Chicago voters in the upcoming Feb. 24, 2015 mayoral election open primary candidacy.

Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
12-05-14 Larry Derfner 972mag.com on Israeli elections
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
Tuesday Dec 09, 2014
12-05-14 Larry Derfner 972mag.com on Israeli elections

Friday Nov 21, 2014
11-14-14 Arab Newspaper publisher Mansour Tadros
Friday Nov 21, 2014
Friday Nov 21, 2014
11-14-14 Arab Newspaper publisher Mansour Tadros

Thursday Nov 13, 2014
11-07-14 Samantha Haddad Webb candidate 10th Ward Chicago
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Samantha Haddad Webb, candidate for alderman of the 10th Ward in Chicago, Illinois, talks about her candidacy and issues she believes need to be addressed in the Chicago Southeast Side ward. Webb, of Lebanese American heritage, is one of 8 First Responders (7 police and 1 firefighter) running for aldermanic offices in the city's 50 wards in the February 24, 2015 elections. Webb is a Chicago Police Officer and she comes from a family of police officers, too.