
Friday May 03, 2013
05-03-13 Radio Baladi Jordan Syria API PEW
Friday May 03, 2013
Friday May 03, 2013
Radio Baladi Friday May 3, 2013 live on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Metro Detroit with co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes www.RadioBaladi.com. Hanania and Younes discuss events in Jordan where Younes joins us via Skype. They also discuss the Syrian Refugee problem and the conflict in Syria against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. And they discuss the recent proposal by the Arab League to swap land for land between Israel and Palestine to achieve a peace accord. They also discuss the PEW Study of 38,000 Muslims throughout the World offering insight into how Muslims think about conversion, peace, suicide bombings and more.

Friday Apr 26, 2013
04-26-13 Radio Baladi Boston Bombing Chaldeans
Friday Apr 26, 2013
Friday Apr 26, 2013
Radio Baladi Friday April 26, 2013 on WNZK AM 690 Radio 8 am. Co-Hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discuss the racism shown by Americans like Sen. Lindsey Graham towards Muslims in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings. Graham wants to deny Muslims accused of violence of their Constitutional rights in order to "protect"Christian Americans. Ali Younes and Ray Hanania debate and discuss the issue. They also discuss rising tensions between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East and speak with many Chaldean callers who believe that Islamic leaders fail to speak out against extremist Muslims in the wake of Islamic violence in America an din the Middle East. The web site is www.RadioBaladi.com

Friday Apr 19, 2013
04-19-13 Radio Baladi Boston Bombing
Friday Apr 19, 2013
Friday Apr 19, 2013
Radio Baladi Friday April 19, 2013 with co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discusses the racial implications of the Boston Marathon Bombing and the slower rush to judgment that the killers were Muslim. As the show was being broadcast news cane out that Police had surrounded two suspects, Russians from the embattled Chechnya region. We discuss how Americans rush to judgment but also talk to a Chaldean woman in Metro-Detroit who expresses anger at Muslims, and Ali Younes and Ray Hanania discuss how the Arab community needs to address grievances of minorities more openly. www.RadioBaladi.com. Listen live online (download the App). WNZK AM 690 AM Radio Every Friday at 8 AM EST.

Friday Apr 05, 2013
04-05-13 Radio Baladi Pamela Olson
Friday Apr 05, 2013
Friday Apr 05, 2013
Saudi Gazette Columnist Ray Hanania and Al- Arabiya Columnist Ali Younes discuss issues in the news on Radio Baladi, Friday April 5, 2013, 8 am WNZK AM 690 Radio live in Metro-Detroit and online at www.RadioBaladi.com. Our guest this morning is Pamela Olson the author of the new book "Fast Times in Palestine" which details her two and one half year travels and work in Palestine. It's a fast paced, compelling story that offers a unique perspective into the real life of Palestinians. Olson, a typical American, met a friend who Was Arab, traveled to the Middle East and then ended up in Palestine where she was shocked to see that the reality was far different from what was being fed to Americans by the mainstream American media and politicians. Her book details her firsthand experience living with the Palestinians, exploring their views, feelings, experiences, politics and perspectives on peace with Israel. Fast Times in Palestine is a MUST READ book for anyone who wants to peek into the reality of Palestinian life. During the second half of the show, Hanania and Younes discuss Egypt's President Mohammed Morsi and activist Bassem Youssef and the tensions that are taking place as Democracy fights for survival in a hostile country beset by violence from both sides, the government and the activists. We also discuss Democracy and how it evolves. Should the world expect Democracy to take hold overnight or should we give it time to strengthen -- it took 237 years for Democracy to reach today in America and in early American Democracy that was violence, oppression, slavery and suppression of free speech and women's rights. Get more information at our website at www.RadioBaladi.com. Follow Ray Hanania on Twitter at @RayHanania and follow Ali Younes on Twitter at @ClearAli.

Friday Mar 22, 2013
03-22-13 Radio Baladi Special Edition Podcast on Obama
Friday Mar 22, 2013
Friday Mar 22, 2013
Radio Baladi co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes engage in a lively debate and discussion about President Barack Obama's trip to the Middle East in this Special Edition Podcast of Radio Baladi www.RadioBaladi.com Friday March 22, 2013. Younes and Hanania discuss the ramifications of Obama's trip to Israel and Palestine, his public comments and whether or not his efforts might result in peace. They also discuss the extremism in the Arab and Jewish community and how extremists are obstacles to peace.

Friday Mar 22, 2013
03-22-13 Radio Baladi Hala McDonalds Obama
Friday Mar 22, 2013
Friday Mar 22, 2013
Ray Hannaia hosts Radio Baladi Friday March 22, 2013 on WNZK AM 690 radio www.RadioBaladi.com and discusses two issues, the lawsuit mess involving McDonalds and claims that back in 2011 it falsely claimed it was selling Halal Chicken, and some comments and discussion about President Barack Obama's trip to Israel and Palestine and the deep disappointment many Palestinians have with Obama's failure to stand up for justice and what is right. The extremists, though, take it to the far extreme and reject everything and despite my own dissapppointment with Obama I think we need to always grasp at hope that peace will come. Compromise is the ONLY solution. One State won't work and can't happen, and two-states is being massacred. McDonalds in Dearborn and Halal. We had guest Paul Levy of the Citizens legal group set up by Ralph Nader 30 years ago talk about why he and the ACLU got involved to defend the rights of Majed Moughni who objected to a settlement of the class action lawsuit. The Judge and Lawyers came down hard on Majed and censored him but Levy was able to step in and reverse the truly unfair decision against Majed. Click here for Majed's Facebook Page. Here is a story on what happened originally, on the resolution of the Class Action lawsuit. Here is a story on Majed's fight against McDonalds. Here's a link to the Public Citizen's Litigation group that defended Majed's right to speak out Clearly McDonald's screwed up and the lawyers representing the class action lawsuit made a major public relations mistake by trying to silence Majed. He has the right to object. The effort to silence Majed made this an even bigger case than it was and raises questions about the judge involved and raises even more serious questions about McDonalds which is the target of a growing boycott that is not about to stop. Why would they silence Majed unless they feared what he had to say? On Barack Obama, we didn't spend a lot of time on this but will moving foward. Many people are disappointed with Obama's one-sided comments and his failure to take substantive action to resolve the Palestine-Israel conflict. His trip did little to make things better but the fanatics have gone off the deep end, I think, in attacking him. It's ok to criticize Obama but it's not okay to promote hatred as some -- I said SOME -- continue to do. We have to reject the hate-driven fanatics and push for moderation. -- Ray Hanania

Friday Mar 15, 2013
03-15-13 Radio Baladi Rachel Corrie Obama
Friday Mar 15, 2013
Friday Mar 15, 2013
Radio Baladi on WNZK AM 690 radio Friday March 15, 2013, co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discusses a wide range of topics on the Middle East with listeners including President Barack Obama's planned worthless trip to the Middle East to kiss the Israeli blarney stone -- he says he's not going to Ramallah but will visit the Church of the Nativity (maybe to prove once and for all to racist Americans that he is not Muslim, but is a Christian). We also discuss the 10 year anniversary of the murder of American citizen Rachel Corrie and all the Americans who have been killed by Israel and ignored; and we also debate with one caller Gun Control; and finally we discuss the letter to Obama from the Jordanian American community urging him to be a leader and push for peace in the Middle East, instead of going to Israel to be a worthless tourist. We also note the passing on Jan. 31, 2013 of Richard Curtiss the co-founder of the powerful and influential and informative magazine, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and offer our condolences to Curtisses' family, the magazine staff and his daughter, Washington Report editor Delinda Hanley. Visit www.RadioBaladi.com to listen to the show live every Friday at 8 am EST, download this and other podcasts and connect to us using social media like the racist anti-Arab Facebook and Twitter, www.Hanania.com Join our Facebook Page click here

Friday Mar 08, 2013
03-08-13 Radio Baladi Buses Chavez
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Friday Mar 08, 2013
Radio Baladi Friday March 8, 2013 hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discuss a wide range of topics from the news including: the Jordanian Member of Parliament Shadi al Adwan who drew a gun in a floor debate recently; Jordan's Mukhabarat works with FBI to arrest in Turkey the son-inlaw or Osama Bin Laden, Suleiman Abu Gaith who faces a trial in New York City at the Federal Court for his role in the 9/11 Terrorists attacks against the World Trade Center Twin Towers; the death of Hugo Chavez, who stood up to the bullying of the United States over Israel and broke ties with Israel during the Israeli attack on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip (2008-2009); the segregated buses Israel is implementing in a throwback to the racist apartheid polices of South Africa and America in the 1950s. Also we discuss the decision by US Senator Carl Levin to retire and not run for re-election. We call on Michigan State Rep. Rashida Tlaib to run for the US Senate. Join our Facebook Page click here

Saturday Mar 02, 2013
03-01-13 Radio Baladi on Zionism, Erdogan, Media Bias
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Saturday Mar 02, 2013
Radio Baladi for March 1, 2013, Friday on WNZK AM 690 Radio with co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discussing the Oscars and the misrepresentation by Israelis and the media of the film 5 Broken Cameras, and also remembering Vanessa Redgrave at the Oscars in 1978. Also, Younes and Hanania discuss the issue of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan who made critical comments on Zionism comparing it to anti-Semitism and Fascism, and the criticism by Secretary of State John Kerry, the United Nations and Israel. Are people allowed to criticize Zionism even if that criticism reflects emotion and anger rather than reason? And we discuss the need to boycott the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News for their failure to hire American Arabs as daily columnists to write on issues involving their views of Detroit, Michigan and the World. We also hammer the racist anti-Arab Chicago Sun-Times Newspaper, which is on the verge of collapse. Visit www.RadioBaladi.com for more information on the radio show. Join our Facebook Page click here and www.Hanania.com

Friday Feb 15, 2013
02-15-13 Radio Baladi Samer Issawi
Friday Feb 15, 2013
Friday Feb 15, 2013
Ali Younes and Ray Hanania discuss the hunger strike of Samer Issawi which has lasted now over 200 days, a hunger strike international record but that is being ignored by the mainstream Western and Israeli media; Younes and Hanania also discuss the Obama administration and his sole focus on Israel during the State of the State speech and his ignoring the promises he made to bring justice to the Middle East and the Arab and Islamic Worlds. Broadcast every Friday at 8 am EST Eastern on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroit Michigan in English to the American Arab and Muslim Community. You can listen live at www.RadioBaladi.com online. Younes and Hanania also discuss the role extremists play in undermining the peace process, weakening the Arab voice and their ineffectiveness in communicating the just cause of the Palestinians and causes of civil rights dissidents like Samer Issawi. www.hanania.com Join our Facebook Page click here and www.Hanania.com

Friday Jan 11, 2013
01-11-13 Radio Baladi Chuck Hagel
Friday Jan 11, 2013
Friday Jan 11, 2013
Radio Baladi with host Ali Younes and Ray Hanania discuss the debate over the nomination of Chuck Hagel for US Secretary of Defense and discuss the touchy political issue of addressing the influence of American Jews and the pro-Israel lobby's headlock on American politics when it comes to the Middle East. Younes and Hanania break the sacred cows and discuss the truth of how to address the politics, rejecting claims of anti-Semitism and saying that activism by Jews, Arabs, Christians and Muslims can be discussed in a proper context devoid of anti-Semitism and racist hatred. Broadcast Friday Jan. 11, 2013 on WNZK AM 690 radio. 8 am www.RadioBaladi.com

Friday Jan 04, 2013
01-04-13 Radio Baladi Time Warner bigotry
Friday Jan 04, 2013
Friday Jan 04, 2013
Radio Baladi Friday Jan. 4, 2013. Discussion on the decision by Time Warner Cable TV to drop Current TV from its broadcast lineup after Current TV was purchased by alJazeera Arab Satellite TV channel. Host and columnist for the Saudi Gazette Ray Hanania discusses the issue with Al-Arabiya columnist Ali Younes and with callers. www.RadioBaladi.com. Discussion of racism in the mainstream American news media. Journalism and journalistic boas. News media discrimination. CBS TV, NBC TV, ABC TV, FOX News TV, MSNBC, CNN TV. Can American Arabs break the hate barrier of the mainstream American news media?

Friday Dec 28, 2012
12-28-12 Radio baladi
Friday Dec 28, 2012
Friday Dec 28, 2012
Radio Baladi with host Ray Hanania Friday Dec. 28, 2012 on WNZK AM 690 radio. www.RadioBaladi.com Discuss the apathy of American Christians and their abandonment of Christian Arabs in the Middle East and especially under Israeli oppressive occupation in Bethlehem. The top headlines of 2012 from the Middle East, Arabian food and New Year's Resolutions.

Friday Dec 21, 2012
12-21-12 Radio Baladi Elections
Friday Dec 21, 2012
Friday Dec 21, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Dec. 21, 2012 8 am WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroitland, Michigan. Detroit. Deaborn. Livonia. With host Ray Hanania We discuss Democracy in the Arab and Muslim World, in Egypt and ask why so many Arabs in America fail to vote. Elections. Voting. Vote. Why are there no Arab columnists writing for major mainstream American newspapers? In Detroit or in Chicago? www.RadioBaladi.com

Friday Dec 14, 2012
12-14-12 Radio Baladi Egypt Ali Younes
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Friday Dec 14, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Dec. 14, 2012, discussing the future of Egypt and Democracy and other related issues including the defeat of Susan Rice as President Obama's Secretary of State and the possible appointment of Sen. John Kerry, a much better choice, to replace her as the nominee. We also discuss the bias at Politico.com news wen site which censors Arab and American views critical of Israel, a foreign country. Our guest is Ali Younes, the awardwinning columnist with AlArabiya.net. Hosted by Ray Hanania. www.RadioBaladi.com We discuss the challenges facing Mohamed Morsi, Egypt's first Democratically elected president and the anger of his opponents. Maybe Egyptians want a Messiah rather than a President. They don't want a dictator, though, but they are treating Morsi as if he were a dictator rather than a democratically elected president. Share your views on our facebook page also at www.Facebook.com/radio-baladi