
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
08-19-12 Radio Chicagoland Monroe Anderson
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Aug 19, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday August 19, 2012, 1240 AM WSBC and 1470 AM WCFJ radio www.RadioChicagoland.com. Monroe Anderson discusses the selection of Congressman Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney's chances to unseat President Barack Obama. We also discuss the man who killed a man who was a school classmate 50 years ago because 50 years ago the friend put a jock strap on the killer's head as a child and he never got over it. Evan Keliher discusses his new book "D.C. Shootout on K Street" and his theory that the Israelis have too much power in Washington D.C., a theme of his book. Hosts Ray Hanania, Kheir Kahreldin and Big Jon Vicc.

Friday Aug 17, 2012
08-17-12 Radio Baladi on Census and author Keliher
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Friday Aug 17, 2012
Radio Baladi every Friday morning 8 am Eastern EST on WNZK AM 690 radio live www.RadioBaladi.com with host and author Ray Hanania. We interview Evan Keliher the Dearborn teacher who wrote the political satire book "Wanted! An Honest Politician: D.C. Shootout on K Street" (2012). We also talk with listeners about changes that may be made in the US Census to include Arabs, Middle Easterners, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Christian Arabs, Muslims and more. The changes are a long time coming and the census count is important to assessing a community's strength, but more importantly, how much Federal and State funding they should receive. if you are not counted in the Census by race and ethnicity you don't get money. Visit www.hanania.com or www.Creators.com or www.SaudiGazette.com.sa to read Ray Hanania's columns on fighting the Census to make them honest and fair.

Sunday Aug 12, 2012
08-12-12 Radio Chicagoland Gierach Warden & topics
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Sunday Aug 12, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday August 12, 2012 with host Ray Hanania, Kheir Fakhreldin and Big Jon Vic www.RadioChicagoland.com 8 AM - Oak Lawn Attorney Jim Gierach discusses how drug laws feed the violence in Chicago 8:30 AM - Rob Warden, Center on Wrongful Convictions, Northwestern University School of Law. CWC client Kristine Bunch is a step closer to freedom after languishing 16 years behind bars for the arson murder of her 3-year-old son in Decatur County, Indiana. The Indiana Supreme Court today denied the prosecution’s request to review an Indiana Court of Appeals decision reversing and remanding the case. Kristine is represented by a team led by CWC Advisory Board Member Ronald Safer, of Schiff Hardin; Kelly M. Warner, a Schiff Hardin partner, and CWC staff attorneys Jane Raley and Karen Daniel. Read the Indiana Court of Appeals opinion. Also, we discuss the Arabs at the Olympics and the challenges facing American Arabs with unfamiliar Middle Eastern names to survive in America. We talk about alternatives for them. Should they change their names? And which names are "safest?"

Friday Aug 10, 2012
08-10-12 Radio Baladi with Hussein Ibish
Friday Aug 10, 2012
Friday Aug 10, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday August 10, 2012, Detroit broadcast WNZK AM 690 Radio www.RadioBaladi.com with host Ray Hanania We discuss the Arab participation in the Olympics. 2012 marks the 100th Year of Arab participation in the Olympics and we discuss the performance of the Arab teams winning 10 medals including 1 Gold and the first Saudi Woman to compete in track in full hijab and modesty clothing. Also, we discuss the changing face of Egypt, Syria and deteriorating Palestinian-Israeli relations with scholar and columnist at The Daily Beast Hussein Ibish. Read his columns at the Daily Beast and also at NowLebanon.com.

Sunday Aug 05, 2012
08-05-12 Radio Chicagoland
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Sunday Aug 05, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday August 5, 2012. www.RadioChicagoland.com. Host Ray Hanania and side kick Kheir Fakhreldine and technician Bigg Jon Vic discuss topics including Gay Rights and the Boy Scouts; how Mitt Romney's election will, in a bizzare way, help bring peace to the Middle East by provoking more violence and hatred, rather than voting for the wishy-washy ineffective Barack Obama; The Olympic results -- the Arab countries Qatar, Tunisia and Egypt have medals but not Israel. And we talk with Emin, whose family lives in Aleppo, Syria under the brutality of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Friday Aug 03, 2012
08-03-12 Radio Baladi with Janet McMahon
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Friday Aug 03, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday August 3, 2012 www.RadioBaladi.com with host Ray Hanania WNZK AM 690 radio. 8-10 am EST Detroit, Michigan. Our guest is the Editor of the prestigious Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Janet McMahon discusses the most recent issue of the magazine and stories including an overview of how members of the US Congress voted on important Middle East issues, the Israeli destruction of a Mosque in Jerusalem as a part of their ethnic cleansing policies, and the situations in Egypt and Syria. www.WRMEA.org

Sunday Jul 29, 2012
07-29-12 Radio Chicagoland Ruben Navarrette and Paul Ciolino
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday July 29, 2012, www.RadioChicagoland.com with Ray Hanania and Kheir Fakhreldine. 8 AM - Creators Syndicate Columnist Ruben Navarrette discusses the issue of immigration and how the Hispanic vote may play out in the tight race for president between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Navarrette discusses why Hispanic voters often have a low voter turnout, especially among Mexican Americans. And he analyzes why only 67 percent of Hispanics support President Obama. 9 AM - International Private Investigator Paul Ciolino discusses the case against mass murderer James Holmes in Aurora, Colorado. Ciolino is a frequently tapped professional guest on CBS 60 Minutes investigation reports. Click for more details. We also take calls and talk to a researcher exploring the settlement of Arabs in South American countries like Chie, Venezuela and Columbia.

Friday Jul 27, 2012
07-27-12 Radio Baladi Amin El-Gamal, Aurora Massacre victim
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Friday Jul 27, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday July 27, 2012 www.RadioBaladi.com with Ray Hanania 8 AM (Detroit): Actor Amin El-Gamal joins us to discuss his recent role as an Egyptian blogger in the HBO hit series The Newsroom. Click for more info. Not well publicized is the fact that Jessica Redfield, one of the murder victims in the Aurora, Colorado massacre, is actually a Palestinian American journalist by the name of Jessica Ghawi. Click to read her story Ray Hanania's interview on national radio about the Arabs on the Titanic. Click to listen to the interview

Sunday Jul 22, 2012
07-22-12 Radio Chicagoland -- Movie Theater Massacre
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Sunday Jul 22, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday July 22, 2012. 8-10 am. Host Ray Hanania. co-host Kheir Fakhreldin. www.RadioChicagoland.com. Chicago political and breaking news talk radio discussion, opinions and commentary. 8 AM - Professor Sam Staley Ph.D., Senior Fellow, Reason Foundation and Lead author of the Transportation plan for Chicago. He is Managing Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center at Florida State University. He discusses new findings on the challenges facing Chicagoland's transportation problems. Full Report Online: The full study is online here: http://reason.org/studies/show/chicago-mobility-reduce-congestion http://reason.org/files/chicago_transportation_plan.pdf Reason Foundation's transportation research is here: http://reason.org/areas/topic/transportation 8:30 AM - Creators Syndicate Columnist Ruben Navarette discusses the issue of immigration and how the Hispanic vote may play out in the tight race for president between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. .... AND the "Movie Theater Massacre" in Aurora, Colorado and the need for stronger gun controls. Read my column on why it's not the "criminals" who are doing all the killing, but rather regular people who can go out and legally get weapons. Click here. 9 AM - Columnists Monroe Anderson and Ali Younes discuss the Michele Bachmann attack against Huma Abedin. On the eve of Ramadan, we discuss the religious attacks by Tea Party leader Michele Bachmann against a Muslim staffer with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Many Republican leaders like John McCain have come out and criticized Bachmann for singling out Huma Abedin, Clinton's logntime aide, because she is Muslim. Bachmann has charged that Abedin's relatives are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. Ironically, Abedin's husband is disgraced former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, who before being forced to resign from office in June 2011 one year ago because of lewd conduct. Weiner was one of the most vicious anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian members of the US Congress. Is there a difference when it comes to justice in palestine between non-Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims? How could a Muslim marry someone so viciously anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian. The incident reminds us of the vicious attack directed at Mazen Asbahi, also by rightwing members of the Tea Party and Congress. .... AND the "Movie Theater Massacre" in Aurora, Colorado and the need for stronger gun controls. Read my column on why it's not the "criminals" who are doing all the killing, but rather regular people who can go out and legally get weapons.

Friday Jul 20, 2012
07-20-12 Radio Baladi on Huma Abedin
Friday Jul 20, 2012
Friday Jul 20, 2012
Radio Baladi July 20, 2012 with Ray Hanania WNZK AM 690 radio, 8-9 AM Eastern (EST) www.RadioBaladi.com. On the eve of Ramadan, we discuss the religious attacks by Tea Party leader Michele Bachmann against a Muslim staffer with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Many Republican leaders like John McCain have come out and criticized Bachmann for singling out Huma Abedin, Clinton's logntime aide, because she is Muslim. Bachmann has charged that Abedin's relatives are tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. Ironically, Abedin's husband is disgraced former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner, who before being forced to resign from office in June 2011 one year ago because of lewd conduct. Weiner was one of the most vicious anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian members of the US Congress. Is there a difference when it comes to justice in palestine between non-Arab Muslims and Arab Muslims? How could a Muslim marry someone so viciously anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian. The incident reminds us of the vicious attack directed at Mazen Asbahi, also by rightwing members of the Tea Party and Congress. We also discuss the battle in Syria and the impending demise of Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad, and also the hypocrisy that signles out and demonizes Christians in the Arab and Muslim World with callers. Guests include columnist Ali Younes.

Sunday Jul 15, 2012
07-15-12 Radio Chicagoland Liz Gorman and issues
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Sunday Jul 15, 2012
Radio Chicagoland WSBC AM 1240 and WCFJ AM 1470 radio 8 am until 10 am Sunday July 15, 2012. With Ray Hanania and Kheir Fakhreldine. www.RadioCHicagoland.com. Cook County Commissioner Liz Gorman discusses the redistricting of the county board districts (9 am). Plus these issues and discussions: Topics on Radio Chicagoland this morning: Radio Chicagoland: Penn State, Olympic uniforms, Jesse Jackson and Syrian support of al-Qeada Joe Paterno "Joe Pa" is a disgrace. He knew what convicted pedophile Jerry Sandusky was doing. He and others at Penn State were aware of the misconduct and they tolerated it or turned away their eyes for more than a decade. Ten years of child abuse by a retired coach with full access to the sports facilities and the protection of Paterno and the Penn State administration. People say the students at the University will suffer if further punishment is meted out to the administration. But the truth is that punishment is necessary. More officials there should be charged and punished. The real offenders, though, without doubt, are the sports media, the journalists who also knew about Sandusky but have remained silent. The sports media is complicit, just as they were complicit in the infidelity of golf great Tiger Woods. They all put money ahead of morality. Personal gain ahead of principle. The students may be punished for Sandusky's crimes and the silent acquiescence of the administration. But it is very likely that many teachers knew too. And I'll even bet students who attended and played in sports there knew also. And the journalists knew. If the students suffer, they shouldn't blame justice. They should blame Paterno and Sandusky and the shameful Penn State administration. OLYMPIC UNIFORMS have taken center stage as our athletes prepare for the Summer Games in London. Turns out the odd looking uniforms they will wear were mad in China. That is a bad thing. It sends the wrong message of twisted patriotism. China is a nation is civil rights abuses. The oppression of dissidents and free speech. The exploitation of children. And, the production of thousands of products that are tainted with lead, that are sold to American children. The uniforms are not the only products made in China. Much of the media broadcast equipment that will be used to cover the Olympics were made in China. Clothing that many of the journalists will wear in covering the Olympics will be made in China. The means by which the story was reported, in part, are made in China. The "made in China" disgrace should not be limited to one offense of patriotic egotism. It should instead be a protest of principle. Either end the importing of cheap and sometimes dangerous Chinese products into the United States, or shut up about the Olympics. It's more hypocritical to knowingly shut your eyes to hypocrisy and Chinese abuses while embracing the phony moral high ground in criticizing the Olympic uniforms. The disgrace didn't start with the Olympics and won't end there, either. Let's address the hypocrisy in the American Baseball industry, and the fact that official "American" baseballs are made in China. Pathetic morality. Weak principle. Hypocrisy made in America. CONGRESSMAN JESSE JACKSON JR., is a good person and a good leader. But it sure was strange to hear his mother speak on his personal crisis. She's been silent in the face of so much hypocrisy in the Jacosn family. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., is the one family member who could, for many years, hold his head high. Despite the charges filed against his fundraiser. Rughuveer Nayak, who reportedly was a go-between to raise $1 million for disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich to make Jackson a US Senator, filling the vacancy in the Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama, there are no charges against the congressman. We can speculate all we want. But it might have been nice to hear his mother speak about her husband's problems, or the egos of her other sons. Her comments about Congressman Jackson were inappropriate and strange. AL-QAEDA IN SYRIA. There is no doubt now that the government of Bashar all-Assad was complicit in assisting al-Qaeda attacks in Iraq not only against Iraqis but also against American soldiers. If Americans are not outraged by the war crimes being committed by Assad's security forces and military in the murder of thousands of civilians and children in Syria, they should be enraged by the evidence that Assad provided aid to al-Qaeda to satisfy Syria's anti-American agenda, and agenda shared by the tyrants in Tehran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We invaded Afghanistan to avenge the al-Qaeda terrorism against the World Trade Center's Twin Towers. We attacked Iraq to avenge the selfish politics of former President George W. Bush and his Vice President, the original evil-doer himself, Dick Cheney. We should immediately invade Syria and avenge the hundreds and maybe thousands of American soldiers who died in Iraq because of the support Syria's dictator Assad provided to al-Qaeda. But will we and is our fight against al-Qaeda pure or driven by selfish politics? --- Ray Hananiawww.hanania.com

Friday Jul 13, 2012
07-13-12 Radio Baladi with Aref Assaf and Ali Younes
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Friday Jul 13, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday July 13, 2012 www.RadioBaladi.com with host Ray Hanania on WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit, Michigan. American Arab and Muslim and Middle East discussion. 8 am (Detroit): Israeli settler terrorists now selling dates harvested in the occupied territories to Muslims during Ramadan. The world's biggest rip-off and conspiracy. The settlers do not put the word Israel on their date products. Be careful of which dates you buy this Ramadan. We'll be talking about this controversy with author Aref Assef who discovered Israeli dates stolen from Palestinian lands being sold in New Jersey Arab-owned stores. (If it doesn't say "Product of Palestine" on the box they are not genuine Palestinian harvested dates.) Read Aref's column. 8:30 am (Detroit) Columnist Ali Younes discusses the fight between a Jordanian Member of the Parliament and an activist former Jordanian Member of Parliament on a Jordanian TV show. Jordanian MP Mohammed Shawabka throws shoe and pulls gun on live TV in Jordan in heated namecalling fuss with a Jordanian Activist. Click to watch on Youtube You can join the conversation live on radio by calling 248-557-3300 during the radio show (Fridays 8-9 am Eastern

Sunday Jul 08, 2012
07-08-12 Radio Chicagoland Steve Brown, Alison Weir
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Sunday Jul 08, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday July 8, 2012 WSBC AM 1240 and WCFJ AM 1470 radio 8-10 am. Host Ray Hanania, producer Kheir Fakhreldine. Guests include Steve Brown, spokesman to Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan discussing the definitive bias of the Chicago tribune newspaper, driven by its anger over opposition Madigan and others have given to the Tribune's bullying tactics to win deep taxpayer funded grants to renovate Wrigley Field, their former private baseball stadium, and their anger over Madigan's opposition to bringing lights to Wrigley Field. The Tribune is an example of how the media compromises its ethics on issues important to its corporate business interests; We also discuss the failure of journalists like WMAQ blogger (The Ward Room) Edward McClelland to acknowledge their mistakes and errors in making their often erroneous political conclusions and false accusations. Carol Marin and Mary Ann Ahern. too. Alison Weir, executive director of IfAMericansKnews.org, exploring media bias in the case of the death of two-time Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Anthony Shadid and the failure of the New York Times to public disclose its role in the death of Shadid who was died while crossing into Syria on Feb. 16, 2012. www.RadioChicagoland.com. Also discussions of Joe Walsh's outrageous attacks against Tammy Duckworth in the 8th District Congressional race and how Republicans are the first to jump on the issue of "patriotism" and military service to garner votes but will attack Democrats like Duckworth asserting that Duckworth has excessively talked about her war service which cost her both her legs.

Saturday Jul 07, 2012
07-07-12 The Opinion Makers on Arafat, Shadid and Jordan TV fight
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
Saturday Jul 07, 2012
July 7, 2012. The Opinion Makers. In this episode of The Opinion Makers audio podcast, co-hosts Ray Hanania and Ali Younes discuss the death of Palestinian President Yasir Arafat. Was he murdered? The Palestinians are exhuming his body to investigate traces of Polonium 210 which two years later was determined to have been the poison used to murder a former Russian spy. Also, Hanania and Younes discuss the vicious hatred from Israelis including the column by Lenny Ben-David in the Times of Israel, and example of the kind of racist commentary that pagues Israeli discourse.
And, Hanania and Younes discuss the circumstances of the Feb. 2012 death of two-time Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Anthony Shadid. Why isn’t the mainstream American news media exploring charges that the New York Times forced Shadid to go to Syria against his will, and the cause of his death? Is it media bias against American Arabs.
And in the final segment, Hanania and Younes discuss the YouTube video of Jordanian Member of Parliament Mohammed Shawabka who while debating a political activist named Mansour Sayf al-Din Murad during a live Jordanian TV broadcast pulled out a gun. The two were discussing aspects of Jordanian politics including attitudes surrounding the uprising in Syria. Shawabka stood up and began screaming and pointing at Murad, who was sitting opposite him, while the host of the program, Mohammed Habashneh, seated in the center, desperately urged his guests to “calm down.” Shawabka threw his shoe at Murad, causing Murad to stand up and knock over the table and then Shawabka pulled out a silver pistol.
Links to stories:
Ali Younes' columns:
Ray Hanania's columns
http://www.hanania.com and http://www.RadioChicagoland.com
Ali Younes is an award winning writer and political analyst based in Washington D.C. and he writes a regular column for the Al Arabiya Arabic news channel’s English language web site at English.alarabiyah.net
Ray Hanania is an award winning columnist and radio talk show host based in Chicago. He writes for the Saudi Gazette and Creators Syndicate. Reach him on his web site at www.RadioChicagoland.com
Biography of Yasir Arafat
Reuters story on autopsy demand on Arafat’s death
Lenny Ben-David’s hate column
Jordanian Member of Parliament pulls gun out on Jordanian TV Show
The controversy over Anthony Shadid’s death
New York Times responds to Shadid death charges

Friday Jul 06, 2012
07-06-12 Radio Baladi Alison Weir on Anthony Shadid
Friday Jul 06, 2012
Friday Jul 06, 2012
Radio Baladi WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit Friday July 6, 2012 with host Ray Hanania. www.RadioBaladi.com. Guest Alison Weir, executive director of If Americans Knew (www.IfAmericansKnew.org) discusses the controversy surrounding the death of two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Shadid of the New York Times and the refusal of the mainstream news media to cover the story or criticize the New York Times, which Shadid told his wife should be held responsible if he dies as he prepared to enter Syria. Shadid died allegedly of an asthma attack while trying to enter Syria on Feb. 16, 2012. But before he left, he told his wife Nada Bakri, also a journalist, that if anything happens to him to blame the New York Times. They are responsible for his death, he said. We also discuss the Palestine-Israel conflict and the failure of American Arabs to convey the facts to the American public, and discuss some of those facts. Weir explains how she became involved in monitoring the conflict as a journalist and activist 12 years ago in 2000.