
Friday Aug 14, 2015
08-14-15 American Arab Empowerment, Arab Radio with Ray Hanania
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Friday Aug 14, 2015
Ray Hanania talks with callers about the failure of the American Arab community to effectively engage mainstream Americans because of their lack of understanding of strategic communications. Only 15 percent of the Arab community in America is engaged in effective activism, and much of that involves extremist politics that focuses on Middle East issues rather than on American Arab issues.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
07-17-15 Chattanooga Killings Detroit Radio
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
The Arab Daily News Radio broadcasts a special episode on live Radio in Detroit on AM 690 and Washington DC on AM 700 radio discussing with callers the terrorist attack on Thursday July 16, 2015 by a Kuwait Muslim whose family immigrated to America after living many years in Jordan. The killer has been identified as Mohammed Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24. (Mohammad, Yousef, Youssef) Abdulazeez attacked two military installations, a recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee and seven miles away a Navy Technical Center where he killed four U.S. Marines. Abdulazeez was killed by military police.

Friday Jul 10, 2015
07-10-15 The Arab Daily News with Ray Hanania in Detroit
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
07-10-15 The Arab Daily News Radio Show in Detroit with Ray Hanania
Hi everyone … I’m Ray Hanania and It’s the SECOND FRIDAY OF THE MONTH, July 10, 2015 and its 8:05 in the morning in Detroit …
This is The Arab Daily News Radio Show live on Radio Baladi on Laila Al Husinni’s US Arab Radio Network live in Detroit on 690 AM Radio and live in Washington DC on 700 AM Radio … We’re also and live on WNZK 690’s online website … go to TheArabDailyNews.com to get that link and listen …
We invite you to call us to join the discussion and share your views … Dial 248-557-3300 to join the discussion
Make sure to check out our website at www.TheArabDailyNews.com … and if you like my writings, you can also read my mainstream syndicated columns at www.IllinoisNewsNetwork.com
So much to talk about this morning:
I was in Hawaii and found President Barack Obama’s home … but I am not sure Hawaii likes Obama … it was a year ago that Israel viciously attacked the Gaza Strip and murdered more than 2,200 civilians including 500 children … now accountability, no responsibility, just more Israeli lies … no change in Syria, where Daesch, the tyrant Assad and the rebels are battling it out at the expense of thousands and thousands of innocent civilians … Daesch is extremely brutal …. And Egypt continues to turn towards repression as a means of redefining Democracy … there really isn’t Democracy in Egypt … but maybe that’s the only way to prevent the rise of Islamic extremism in the Arab World …
Also later at 8:30 we’ll talk with Fr. Sean McManus of the Holy Land Principles, the campaign to bring fair employment to the people of Israel and Palestine … they did it in Ireland they can do it there …
Remember, our phone number is 248-557-3300 … call us and tell us what you think about these and other topics …
There is a new TV Series that stars some American Arabs … Mr. Robot with Hollywood actor Christian Slater … have you watched it yet?
Egyptian American Hollywood actor Rami Malek stars in a new hit series “Mr. Robot” on high tech computer warfare and hacking broadcast on the USA Network on Cable Television. Malek joins a small exclusive club of American Arabs who have made it to Hollywood movie and television series fame.

Friday May 08, 2015
05-08-15 Detroit Radio: Gellar, Israel, Hebdo, Racism
Friday May 08, 2015
Friday May 08, 2015
Ray Hanania hosts TheArabDailyNews.com radio show every 2nd Friday of the month on 690 AM Radio in Detroit and 700 AM Radio in Washington DC from 8 until 9 am EST.

Friday Apr 17, 2015
04-17-15 Sean McManus, Rush Darwish are guests
Friday Apr 17, 2015
Friday Apr 17, 2015
At the top of the hour on The Arab Daily News radio show in Detroit and Washington DC, we talk with Fr. Sean McManus the head of the Holy Land Principles organization (www.HolyLandPrinciples.org) discusses his campaign to force all corporations and businesses working in Israel and Palestine to treat all employees equally, regardless of their race or religion. McManus used the same principles years ago as the Mac Bride Principles to help improve the situation for the people of occupied Northern Ireland. McManus discusses the principles, which are outlined on his website, and also how they can work.
Visit The Arab Daily News website at www.TheArabDailyNews.com

Friday Apr 10, 2015
04-10-15 Radio: Ricky Ben David of the Times of Israel
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Ricky Ben David, News Editor and Videographer for the Times of Israel news website which also features blogs, joins Ray Hanania on his monthly Detroit radio show The Arab Daily News/Radio Baladi to discuss issues in the Palestine-Israel conflict on Friday April 10, 2015.

Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
04-08-15 Rush Darwish Show on Mayor Emanuel election
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
Wednesday Apr 08, 2015
RiseUp Radio hosts Rush Darwish and Naperville Bob discuss the mayoral election contest between Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County Commissioner Jesus Garcia with Ray Hanania. RiseUp Radio broadcasts every Wednesday from 3:30 until 5 pm on YahalaVoice.com Radio and on 1450 AM in Chicago. Hanania is the editor of The Arab Daily News and The Illinois News Network news sites. RiseUp Radio is online also at www.riseupshow.com. Hanania, Rush and Bob discuss why Emanuel was re-elected and why Garcia lost. Wednesday April 8, 2015.

Friday Apr 03, 2015
04-03-15 Salman Aftab on Mayor Emanuel; Sonia Khalil candidate
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Friday Apr 03, 2015
Talk of the Town Radio with host Ray Hanania on YahalaVoice.com Friday 3:30 PM CST Chicago time, on www.YahalaVoice.com (and second half broadcast on 1450 AM Radio (4-4:30 PM CST)

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
03-27-15 Seth Frantzman of the Jerusalem Post on Israeli elections
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Seth Frantzman, Op-Ed Editor of the Jerusalem Post, engages in a candid conversation analyzing the March 17 Israeli election results, challenges facing Israeli-Palestinian peace, and the reality of the hard right Likud party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Centrist Zionist Union led by Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni. Frantzman points out that most hardcore religious Jews in Israel live in Israel and only a few are involved in the settler movement, which Palestinians and the world declare as illegal. He notes that a difference between the hardright and the centrist Zionists is that the Centrists do want two-states in a large part to separate themselves from the Palestinians and preserve the Jewish State, while the Likud rejects the Two-State Solution and seeks to annex the occupied lands without annexing more Palestinian non-Jews. Frantzman also agrees that the real significant story that was played down in the media was the performance of the Joint Arab List headed by Ayman Odeh which won the 3rd largest number of seats in the Knesset (13) behind the Likud (30) and the Zionist Union (24). Click here for election result details.

Monday Mar 30, 2015
03-20-15 Mohammed Najib discusses the Israeli elections
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Journalist Mohammed Najib based in Ramallah, Palestine, discusses the Israeli election results and the strong performance of the Arab Israeli candidates who took 13 seats in the Knesset and is the 3rd largest party in the Israeli government. Netanyahu's rightwing Likud Party took 30 seats and the centrist Zionist Union took the 2nd highest performance with 24 seats.

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
03-13-15 Michael Deutsch discusses Rasmea Odeh conviction
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Civil rights attorney Michael Deutsch discusses the case of Rasmea Odeh who was convicted of lying on her citizenship paperwork in her immigration application. Odeh, who had served 10 years in prison in Israel after she was tortured and accused of participating in an act of "terrorism" in 1969, was sentenced to 18 months in prison. The sentence last week is far less than the original demand by the U.S. Government and the FBI of 10 years.

Friday Mar 13, 2015
03-13-15 Mohammed Najib on Israeli elections
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Journalist Mohammed Najib based in Ramallah, Palestine, joins Ray Hanania on The Arab Daily News Radio show in Detroit and Washington DC, broadcast every 2nd Friday of every month at 8 am EST Eastern Time on WNZK 690 AM Radio in Detroit, Michigan, Ohio and Windsor Canada, and on WDMV 700 AM In Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland.
The Arab Daily News Radio Show is brought to you by The Arab Daily News at www.TheArabDailyNews.com and US Arab Radio and host Laila al-Husinni.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
03-06-15 Discussion on Haneen Zoabi, Israeli elections & Iran
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Tuesday Mar 10, 2015
Radio host Ray Hanania discusses with listeners/callers the attack against Palestinian Israeli Knesset Member Haneen Zoabi and discriminatory laws against Arab candidates, and the Israeli elections and the issue of whether or not Arab Israeli citizens will or should participate int he election. Some extremists believe Israeli Arabs should continue to boycott the Israeli elections but others believe they should vote and try to change the system from within. He also discusses the Chicago Mayoral election between challenger Jesus Garcia and Mayor Rahm Emanuel, whose policies have been the most anti-Arab in Chicago. Can Arabs support Emanuel if he were to change and will Garcia support the rights of American Arabs if he wins?

Monday Mar 02, 2015
02-27-15 Monroe Anderson, Ray Hanania on Mayoral Runoff election
Monday Mar 02, 2015
Monday Mar 02, 2015
Former Chicago City Hall and political reporters Monroe Anderson and Ray Hanania discuss the factors that will help decide the April 7 Chicago Mayoral Runoff election on Talk of the Town Radio Friday (4 PM) February 27, 2015 on 1450 AM Radio and live online at www.YahalaVoice.com. Anderson, who now writes a political column for the Chicago Defender, and Hanania, who is a media consultant and columnist with the Southwest Newspaper Group and Illinois News Network (www.IllinoisNewsNetwork.com) discuss the influence of the African American voters in the election.Is Jesus Chuy Garcia strong enough to unseat Mayor Rahm Emanuel and how can he win. What are Emanuel's weaknesses and Garcia's weaknesses? How do you explain the role of Garcia's strongest and closest political ally Congressman Luis Gutierrez endorsing Emanuel and abandoning Garcia and the Mexican American majority voters in his congressional district? Anderson and Hanania discusses these and other issues. Hanania is managing editor also of The Arab Daily News website at www.TheArabDailyNews.com and discusses the bias of Mayor Emanuel against American Arab voters. Anderson and Hanania discuss why Emanuel has ostracized and ignored voter constituencies like American Arabs and if he can do that to American Arabs what prevents him from doing that to other ethnic and racial voting constituencies like Blacks and Hispanics and Asians?

Friday Feb 27, 2015
02-20-15 Hanania rants on Chicago's Mayoral elections with callers
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Friday Feb 27, 2015
Ray Hanania rants on the issue of Chicago's Mayoral election which pitted Mayor Rahm "I Hate Arabs" Emanuel against challengers Cook County Commissioner Jesus "Chuy" Garcia, Alderman Bob Fioretti, businessman Willie Wilson and former Harold Washington aid William "Doc" Walls in the Feb. 24, mayoral election contest. Hanania takes calls from listeners. He also discusses the candidacy of 10th Ward aldermanic candidate Samantha Haddad Webb. The results are in and Garcia and Emanuel will face-off in a run-off on April 7, 2015 and who knows, maybe a humbled Emanuel might change his bias against American Arabs and show respect. (Doubt it!) But the choices are narrowed. Garcia has promised to support American Arabs if he is elected mayor.