
Friday Dec 07, 2012
12-07-12 Radio Baladi Egypt Emanuel
Friday Dec 07, 2012
Friday Dec 07, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Dec. 7, 2012 on WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit. Live. With Ray Hanania. www.RadioBaladi.com Hanania discusses the turmoil in Egypt and protests against Egypt's President Morsi, the return of Khaled Mashaal the leader of Hamas to Gaza and Israel's continued war crimes against Palestinian civilians, and the anti-Arab policies of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. (Read column?)

Friday Nov 30, 2012
11-30-12 Radio Baladi Hanna Hanania Palestine
Friday Nov 30, 2012
Friday Nov 30, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Nov. 30, 2012, WNZK AM 690 Radio www.RadioBaladi.com hosted by Ray Hanania in Detroit and the Detroit Region. We interview Hanna Hanania the founder of NAAP the Network of Arab American Professionals (www.NAAPOnline.org) about his effort to support the upgrade of Palestine at the United Nations, along with other related issues including bringing the Palestinian American community together for effective organizing. We also take calls from listeners about Palestine and the need to overcome the divisions that separate Palestinian and American Arab people and keep us disorganized and ineffective in our political and social activism.

Friday Nov 09, 2012
11-09-12 Radio Baladi Analyzing the Obama-Romney election
Friday Nov 09, 2012
Friday Nov 09, 2012
Radio Baladi WNZK AM 690 radio Friday Nov. 9, 2012, www.RadioBaladi.com Host Ray Hanania discusses the results of the presidential election victory of President Barack Obama over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Why did Obama win? Will Obama's victory impact the course of events in the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and even in Iran?

Friday Oct 26, 2012
10-26-12 Radio Baladi Eid Syria
Friday Oct 26, 2012
Friday Oct 26, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday October 26, 2012 with host Ray Hanania www.RadioBaladi.com discussing issues from the Middle East with listeners. This morning's discussion is what to do about Syria; celebration of Eid al Adhu (Feast of the Sacrifice which remembers Abraham's sacrifice to God); and also a discussion with callers about the turmoil in Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Jordan and the oppression and brutality against civilians in Israel. Chaldeans. Christians. Muslims. Sunni. Shi'ite. Alawite.

Friday Oct 19, 2012
10-19-12 Radio Baladi Showtime Homeland Racism
Friday Oct 19, 2012
Friday Oct 19, 2012
Radio Baladi podcast Friday Oct. 19, 2012 WNZK AM 690 Radio 8-9 am EST with host Ray Hanania www.RadioBaladi.com We discuss with callers the racist Showtime program "Homeland," an Israeli produced program that promotes hatred and racism against Arabs and Muslims using false stereotypes and Israeli-driven political racism against Palestinians and Arabs and Muslims. We discuss the need to boycott not only the settler racists and their products but also the need to boycott Israel because Israelis refuse to step up to the plate to stop their own racist hatred. Israelis tolerate racism when it is against Arabs and Muslims and scream and whine when the racism is against them. They need to stop being hypocrites. But Arabs and Muslims in America need to fight this battle by standing up to the viciousness of Showtime's racist program "Homeland." Do something America. Stop the lies, the anti-Semitic anti-Arab hate. Visit Ray's Facebook Page at www.Facebook.com/rghanania and follow him on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/rayhanania

Friday Oct 12, 2012
10-12-12 Radio Baladi Jordan & Region
Friday Oct 12, 2012
Friday Oct 12, 2012
Radio Baladi on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroit Friday Oct. 12, 2012 www.RadioBaladi.com with host Ray Hanania Discussion on the turmoil in the Middle East: Turkey versus Syria; Democracy in Egypt. We take phone calls and discuss the challenges between Christians and Muslims in the Arab World and the oppression of Israel against Christians in the Holy Land. Ali Younes joins us towards the end of the program to talk about the politics of Jordan, the "welfare state" which controls the population and minimizes the Palestinian vote to maintain a Jordanian majority.

Friday Oct 05, 2012
10-05-12 Radio Baladi Maen Areikat
Friday Oct 05, 2012
Friday Oct 05, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Oct. 5, 2012, WNZK AM 690 radio www.RadioBaladi.com with Ray Hanania Palestine Liberation Organization Washington Ambassador the Honorable Maen Areikat joins in a discussion of the move by the Palestine National Authority to push for enhanced recognition in the United Nations as a Palestine State. We'll discuss Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech to the UN.

Friday Sep 28, 2012
09-28-12 Radio Baladi Palestine, Israel, Muslims, bias
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Friday Sep 28, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Sept. 28, 2012 with Ray Hanania. WNZK AM 690 Radio live. www.RadioBaladi.com. We talk with listeners about the bias in the American news media and discuss the imbalance in reporting and the failed coverage of the Arab community by the media when it comes to the war crimes of the Government of the State of Israel and the anti-peace efforts of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and how he is no different than the Iranian demagogue President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. We also discuss the lack of effectiveness of the Arab organizations in Washington DC, and the failure to communicate by the Palestine National Authority and the PLO and President Mahmoud Abbas and his speech to the United Nations. We also discuss the need to increase Arab American involvement in the biased and racist American mainstream news media and discuss talking over the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News to make then hire Arab columnists who can write on a daily basis and tell the American people the truth about the hatred by Israel and Israel's efforts to prevent peace.

Sunday Sep 23, 2012
09-21-12 RadioBaladi Syrian Humanitarian Aid
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Sunday Sep 23, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday Sept. 21, 2012 www.RadioBaladi.com with Ray Hanania. 8 AM (Detroit): We interview Dr. Malaz Alatassi and Dr. Opada AlZohaili about the efforts of American Syrians to raise funds for humanitarian and medical support of the people of Syria. How bad is the crisis in Syria? Alatassi and AlZohaili work with the Syrian Sunrise Foundation and the Syrian American Medical Society. Click to read more 8:45 am We interview P. David Lopez, as General Counsel of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). He was nominated by President Obama on Oct. 22, 2009, and given a recess appointment on March 27, 2010, and confirmed by the Senate on December 22, 2010. Mr. Lopez is the first field staff attorney to be appointed as General Counsel.

Friday Sep 14, 2012
09-14-12 Radio Baladi Rashida Tlaib and protests
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Friday Sep 14, 2012
Radio Baladi www.RadioBaladi.com with Ray Hanania Friday Sept. 14, 2012 WNZK AM 690 radio
8 AM (Detroit): We interview State Rep. Rashida Tlaib who discusses the aftermath of the Democratic Convention.
8:30 am We discuss the racist inflamatory hate speech of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula a racist Coptic Christian anti-Semite who claimed to be an "Israeli filmmaker" named "Sam Bacile" in Los Angeles and his hateful film against Islam "Innoncence of Islam" which has incited protests in the Muslim World and provoked violent reactions. Why hasn't anyone arrested Bacile and charged him with a hate crime? Why are there no consequences when Israelis commit criminal acts of racism, anti-Semitism and hatred in violation of American hate laws? Why is there a double standard that allows Israelis and pro-Israeli activists to commit crimes while innocent Arabs and Muslims are rounded up, prosecuted on trumped up phony charges and jailed without trial or First Amendment Protections? Now that he has been identified as a racist Coptic Christian, likely he will be charged.

Friday Sep 07, 2012
09-07-12 Radio Baladi Presidential Conventions
Friday Sep 07, 2012
Friday Sep 07, 2012
Ray Hanania discusses the failings of American Democracy, the illegal vote held to change the Democratic Convention Platform to include Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, the slipshod actions of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villagairosa, and the failure of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama to embrace justice. Hanania talks about how ineffective American Arabs and Muslims are, and chastizes the poor leadership of the Washington American Arab organizations and the biased national Muslim organizations in this episode of Radio baladi on WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit. Friday Sept. 7, 2012. www.RadioBaladi.com. www.TheMediaOasis.com

Sunday Sep 02, 2012
09-02-12 Radio Chicagoland GOP Convention
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Sunday Sep 02, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday Sept. 2, 2012 WSBC AM 1240 and WCFJ AM 1470 radio in Chicago Heights. www.RadioChicagoland.com Host Ray Hanania with Kheir Fakhreldin and Big Jon Vic. Guests included 8 am Adam Woodward of the Oak Lawn Children's Museum. 8:30 am Edith Garwood of Amnesty International discusses the Israeli ruling rejecting civil rights claims in the death of American Citizen Rachel Corrie who was murdered by an Israeli soldier during a non-violent protest to protect the home of Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Gaza Strip. A politically motivated Israeli judge ruled that Corrie was responsible for her own death, claiming she was in a war zone -- a defense denied to Palestinian resistance who not being in "war zones" are accused of terrorist violence. Hypocrites. Columnists 8:45 am Ruben Navarrette and 9 am Monroe Anderson discuss the aftermath of the Republican National Convention. Topics include Mitt Romney's speech, Clint Eastwood's antics, Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, former President George W. Bush. President Obama and more. Hanania and Fakhreldin also have a chair in the studio that they use to talk to Clint Eastwood to bring out his hatred of liberals, Gays, minorities. Was Gran Torino, the 2008 movie, really a Clint Eastwood memoir rather than a fiction film?

Friday Aug 31, 2012
08-31-12 Radio Baladi Rachel Corrie
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Friday Aug 31, 2012
Radio Baladi Friday August 31, 2012 8 am WNZK AM 690 radio. www.RadioBaladi.com with host Ray Hanania We talk with Craig Corrie, father of slain activist Rachel Corrie, about the lawsuit filed against Israel and the unjust ruling of the biased Israeli judge claiming that Rachel Corrie was defending the home of terrorists and that the ISM is associated with terrorist efforts. Corrie discusses the issues that the case has raised. We also talk with Edith Garwood of Amnesty International's Israel-Palestine section about the significance of the Rachel Corrie trial.

Sunday Aug 26, 2012
08-26-12 Radio Chicagoland Steve Brown
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Sunday Aug 26, 2012
Radio Chicagoland Sunday August 26, 2012 with Ray Hanania and Kheir Fakhreldin 1240 AM WSBC and 1470 AM WCFJ radio. www.RadioChicagoland.com. 8 am Dan Rutherford, the Illinois Treasurer, talks about the Republican Convention and comments on remarks by Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle that were critical of the late President Ronald Reagan. 9 am Steve Brown, top aide to Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, discusses the biased and slanted reporting of the Chicago Tribune and their targeting of Madigan's family members in "news" stories that are more opinion than fact. We also talk about the death of Neil Armstrong and how few Americans today were around but remember his quote. And we discuss other issues including the Navy Seal attacks against the commander-in-chief President Barack Obama, for political reasons, and the claim that Obama doesn't get credit for taking out Osama Bin Laden.

Friday Aug 24, 2012
08-24-12 Radio Baladi
Friday Aug 24, 2012
Friday Aug 24, 2012
Radio Baladi WNZK AM 690 August 24, 2012 Friday morning Detroit, Michigan with host Ray Hanania. We discuss the deteriorating situation in Syria, the push for independence from Israeli and American control in Egypt and the need for American Arabs to better organize and increase their participation in the mainstream media to overcome bigotry and hatred by the media against Arabs in America. www.RadioBaladi.com