
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
What impact will the battle over Ginsburg Supreme Court vacancy have on the Presidential election?
The Arab News Newspaper Live Arab Radio Election Coverage focusses on the impact of the Ginsburg vacancy on the November Presidential election
What impact with the battle to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg have on the Nov. 3, 2020 Presidential Election?
That’s the questions that will be the focus of the Arab News Newspaper’s Special U.S. Election Coverage Wednesday Sept. 23, 2020 at 8 AM EST on Live Radio WNZK AM 690 in Detroit and live online with host Ray Hanania, U.S. Special Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper.
Ball State University Political Science Professor Chad Kinsella will join radio host and Arab News Newspaper Special US Correspondent Ray Hanania to talk about what impact the decision by President Trump to name a successor to Ginsburg will have on the election.

Chad Kinsella, Professor of Political Science Ball State University
Dr. Kinsella joined the Political Science Department at Ball State University in the Fall of 2016. His teaching focuses on state and local government and public administration. His research focuses primarily on electoral geography, but he also examines state and local government, federalism, and pedagogy. Dr. Kinsella has taught Introduction to American National Government (POLS 130), State and Local Government (POLS 237), and Public Administration (POLS 350) at the undergraduate level.
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For the M.P.A. program Dr. Kinsella has taught Foundations of Public Administration (POLS 650) and Managing Organizations for Public Service (POLS 651). Dr. Kinsella also moderates in the Certified Public Management (CPM) program sponsored by the Bowen Center for Public Affairs. He presents and moderates at the Bowen Institute for Political Participation and assists in analyzing and distributing information from the Hoosier Survey.
If you are not in Detroit to listen to the live broadcast on WNZK AM 690 Radio, you can listen and watch the show online using one of the links below:
Watch on Facebook at Facebook.com/rghanania
Listen online using one of these links:
https://www.radio.net/s/usarabradio / 24 houers Online Radio
Listen by calling this free cell number 1-605-472-9011.
The Arab Street Radio is brought to you in partnership with US Arab Radio at www.ArabRadio.us which broadcasts every morning Monday through Friday on WNZK AM 690 radio between 8 and 9 AM EST Detroit, and by the Arab News Newspaper at www.ArabNews.com.
For more information on Ray Hanania visit his website at www.Hanania.com

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Arab Radio: What should Palestinians do in face of UAE/Bahrain deals with Israel
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Arab Radio Friday Sept. 18, 2020 with host Ray Hanania, US Special Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with offices in Dubai, Pakistan, Japan, France, London, New York and Chicago.
Ray Hanania discusses the impact of the UAE and Bahrain peace accords signed with Israel and what the Palestinians should do but have failed to do.
The Arab Street Radio is broadcast on WNZK AM 690 Radio on the 2nd Friday of each month at 8 AM EST (7 AM Chicago) and on special dates each month.
For more information on the podcast visit www.TheArabStreet.org
If you are not in Detroit to listen to the live broadcast on WNZK AM 690 Radio, you can listen and watch the show online using one of the links below:
Watch on Facebook at Facebook.com/rghanania
Listen online using one of these links:
https://www.radio.net/s/usarabradio / 24 houers Online Radio
Listen by calling this free cell number 1-605-472-9011.
For more information visit the Arab News Newspaper at www.ArabNews.com.

Friday Sep 18, 2020
09-11-20 Arab Radio with Ray Hanania on Sept. 11 anniversary
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
09-11-20 Arab Radio with Ray Hanania on Sept. 11 anniversary
Host Ray Hanania discusses the Forgotten Victims of Sept. 11, 2001, Americans who "looked" Middle Eastern who were attacked and murdered by other Americans in backlash anger attacks. These victims have never been acknowledged or included in the list of victims of Sept. 11, 2001 and they should be.
The Arab street Radio is broadcast regularly on WNZK AM 690 Radio (check www.TheDailyHookah.com or www.Hanania.com for more details on show dates (the show broadcasts from 8 to 9 am EST (7 am CST Chicago and 3 PM Occupied Jerusalem time).
Live Radio Show details:
Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to Radio Baladi … THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio …
In the future, I'd like to be introduced by my Game of Thrones Title:
Ray Hanania, the first of his name, the Mayor Slayer, breaker of Political Egos, Father of Wags, the one true believer of Steppenwolf and Jim Hendrix, Spirit of Jerusalem, and Scribe of the four High Schools Bowen, Bogan, Little Flower, and Reavis …
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights … for more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com … and afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by visiting my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.
We are broadcasting on Live Radio in Michigan on WNZK AM 690 this morning … 8 AM In Great Detroit, Ohio and Canada … and 7 AM in Chicago, 3 PM in Israeli Occupied Jerusalem and 4 PM in Dubai …
Our radio show call-in number is 248-557-3300
Here is the list of backlash victims who have been forgotten because of the hatred that dominated the nation's lust for revenge:
At least three people were murdered as a result of the September 11 backlash. There is reason to suspect four other people may also have been murdered because of anti-Arab and anti-Muslim hatred.
Balbir Singh Sodhi
Balbir Singh Sodhi, a forty-nine-year-old turbaned Sikh and father of three, was shot and killed while planting flowers at his gas station on September 15, 2002. Police officials told Human Rights Watch that hours before the crime, Sodhi's alleged killer, Frank Roque, had bragged at a local bar of his intention to "kill the ragheads responsible for September 11."90 In addition to shooting Sodhi three times before driving away, Roque also allegedly shot into the home of an Afghani American and at two Lebanese gas station clerks.91 The Maricopa County prosecutor's office was due to try Roque for Sodhi's murder on November 12, 2002.
Vasudev Patel
On October 4, 2001, Mark Stroman shot and killed Vasudev Patel, a forty-nine-year old Indian and father of two, while Patel was working at his convenience store in Mesquite, Texas.92 A store video camera recorded the murder, allowing law enforcement detectives to identify Stroman as the killer. Stroman said during a television interview that anger over the September 11 attacks caused him to attack any store owner who appeared to be Muslim. He further stated during the interview: "We're at war. I did what I had to do. I did it to retaliate against those who retaliated against us."93In addition to killing Patel, Stroman also shot and killed Waquar Hassan on September 15, 2001 (see below), and also shot Rais Uddin, a gas station attendant, blinding him.94 Stroman was tried and convicted of capital murder for killing Patel and sentenced to death on April 3, 2002.95
Waquar Hassan
Waquar Hassan, a forty-six-year-old Pakistani and father of four, was killed while cooking hamburgers at his grocery store near Dallas, Texas on September 15, 2001. Although no money was taken from Hassan's store, police in Dallas initially believed that he was killed during a robbery because he had been robbed twice that year.96 Hassan's family, however, believed his murder was a hate crime because nothing was stolen by the assailant and the murder had occurred so soon after September 11.97 His family also pointed out that customers visiting Hassan's store after September 11 subjected him to ethnic and religious slurs.98 The case remained unsolved until Mark Stroman admitted to killing Hassan to a fellow prison inmate in January 2002.99 Murder charges against Stroman were dropped once he was convicted and sentenced to death for Vasudev Patel's murder.100
Ali Almansoop
On September 17, 2001, Ali Almansoop, a forty-four year old Yemini Arab, was shot and killed in his home in Lincoln Park, Michigan after being awoken from his sleep by Brent David Seever. At the time of his murder, Almansoop was in bed with Seever's ex-girlfriend.101 Immediately before killing Almansoop, Seever said that he was angry about the September 11 terrorist attacks. Almansoop pleaded that he did not have anything to do with the attacks.102 Seever shot Almansoop anyway. Seever acknowledged to police investigators that he killed Almansoop in part because of anger related to September 11. Prosecutors chose to prosecute the matter as a murder, rather than a bias-motivated murder, because they believe Mr. Seever's motivation for murdering Almansoop was motivated in part by jealousy over Almansoop's relationship with is ex-girlfriend. Mr. Seever had been stalking his ex-girlfriend before the murder.103
Abdo Ali Ahmed
On September 29, 2001, Abdo Ali Ahmed, a fifty-one-year-old Yemini Arab and Muslim, and father of eight, was shot and killed while working at his convenience store in Reedley, California.104Cash in two registers and rolled coins inside an open safe were left untouched. In addition, Ahmed's gun, which he kept for protection, reportedly remained in its usual spot, indicating that he may not have felt in mortal danger.105 Two days before his murder, Ahmed had found a note on his car windshield which stated, "We're going to kill all of you [expletive] Arabs."106 Instead of contacting the police, Ahmed threw the note away.107
Ahmed's family and local Muslim leaders have told the local press that they believe his killing was a hate crime.108 However, largely because no perpetrator or perpetrators have been found for whom a motive can be established, police have not classified the murder as a hate crime. California Governor Gray Davis offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Ahmed's killers.109 At the time of this writing, the investigation into Ahmed's murder was stalled because police had run out of leads.110
Adel Karas
On September 15, 2001, Adel Karas, a forty-eight-year-old Arab and Coptic Christian, and father of three, was shot and killed at his convenience store in San Gabriel, California. According to press reports, his wife, Randa Karas, believes he was murdered because he was mistaken for a Muslim. She points out that no money was taken from the cash register and that her husband had a thick wad of bills in his pocket. Local police told Human Rights Watch that they do not believe his murder was bias-motivated because there is no evidence to indicate anti-Arab or anti-Muslim bias. The murder remained unsolved at the time of this writing. 111
Ali W. Ali
Ali W. Ali, a sixty-six-year-old Somali Muslim, died nine days after being punched in the head while standing at a bus stop in Minneapolis, Minnesota on October 15, 2002.112 According to press reports, the only known witness to the attack saw the assailant walk up to Ali, punch him, stand over him, and then walk away.113 His son and Somali community members attributed the attack against Ali to anger created against Somalis by a front page local newspaper article that appeared two days before the attack.114 The article said that Somalis in Minneapolis had given money to a Somali terrorist group with links to Osama Bin Laden.115 After originally finding that Ali had died of natural causes, the Hennepin County medical examiner's office on January 8, 2002 ruled Ali's death a homicide.116 Ali's family regards his murder as a hate crime. Both local police and the FBI have been unable to find Ali's assailant.117
Violent assaults related to September 11 were numerous and widespread. A review by the South Asian American Leaders of Tomorrow (SAALT) of news articles published during the week following September 11 found reports of forty-nine September 11-related assaults.118 CAIR received 289 reports from Muslims of assaults and property damage incidents across the United States from September 11 until the second week of February.119
Issa Qandeel
On the morning of September 13, 2001, Issa Qandeel, a Palestinian Muslim and an Arab, was leaving the Idriss Mosque in Seattle, Washington when he smelled gas near his jeep and saw a man, subsequently identified as Patrick Cunningham, come out from behind his jeep. Cunningham was carrying a can of gasoline and a gun. When Qandeel asked Cunningham what he was doing behind the jeep, Cunningham walked away.
When Qandeel tried to stop him, Cunningham shot at Qandeel three times, although his gun did not discharge any bullets. Cunningham then started running away and Qandeel chased him. Cunningham shot at Qandeel again and this time a bullet did discharge, although it missed Qandeel. Cunningham was apprehended when he crashed his car trying to get away. Police later discovered that Cunningham planned to burn cars in the mosque driveway because of anger at the September 11 attacks. Federal authorities prosecuted Cunningham for attacking Qandeel and attempting to deface a house of worship. He pled guilty on May 9, 2002 and was scheduled to be sentenced on October 18, 2002. He faces a minimum of five years of incarceration.120
Kulwinder Singh
On September 13, 2001, Raymond Isais Jr. allegedly assaulted Kulwinder Singh, a turbaned Sikh taxi worker, in SeaTac, Washington. After getting into the back seat of Singh's taxi, Isais told Singh, "You have no right to attack our country!" He then started choking Singh. After both men then got out of the taxi, Isais started punching Singh, pulled out tufts of his beard and knocked off his turban. Isais called Singh a terrorist during the assault. Local police were able to apprehend Isais Jr. the same day using a description provided by Singh. He was charged with a hate crime by local country prosecutors.121
Swaran Kaur Bhullar
On September 30, 2001, Swaran Kaur Bhullar, a Sikh woman, was attacked by two men who stabbed her in the head twice as her car was idling at a red light in San Diego. The men shouted at her, "This is what you get for what you've done to us!" and "I'm going to slash your throat," before attacking her. As another car approached the traffic light, the men sped off. Bhullar felt that she would have been killed by the men if the other car had not appeared. She was treated at a local hospital for two cuts in her scalp and released later that same day. Local police and federal law enforcement officials have been unable to identify Bhullar's attackers.122
Faiza Ejaz
On September 12, 2001, Faiza Ejaz, a Pakistani woman, was standing outside a mall in Huntington, New York waiting for her husband to pick her up from work. According to press reports, Adam Lang, a seventy-six-year-old man sitting in his car outside the mall, allegedly put his car in drive and started driving towards her. Ejaz was able to avoid the car by jumping out of the way and running into the mall. Lang then jumped out of his car and screamed that he was "doing this for my country" and was "going to kill her." Mall security agents seized Lang. Sergeant Robert Reecks, commander of the Suffolk County Bias Crimes Bureau, told reporters: "if she hadn't jumped out of the way, he would have run right over her."123 Lang was charged with first-degree reckless endangerment, which requires an enhanced penalty if the crime is bias-motivated.
On June 18, 2002, FK, an American Muslim woman who wears a hijab, was allegedly assaulted by a woman in a drug store near Houston, Texas. Before assaulting FK, the woman told her that she had learned about "you people" over the last ten months and doesn't trust "a single damn one of you." Before FK could get away from the woman, she slammed FK to the floor and began pulling at her headscarf, which had the effect of choking her. Though FK told the woman she could not breathe, she kept pulling at the headscarf. FK then pulled off her headscarf, in violation of her religious obligations in a desperate effort to alleviate the choking. The woman then dragged FK by her hair to the front of the store. When police arrived, the woman was holding FK by her ponytail on the front sidewalk of the store. She told police that she was making a citizen's arrest. The police told her to let FK go, at which point FK was able to put her headscarf back on. 124
Karnail Singh
Karnail Singh is a Sikh man who owns a motel in SeaTac, Washington. In mid-October, 2001, John Bethel, a local vagrant who sometimes came into Singh's motel for coffee and food, told Singh, "You better go back to your country. We're coming to kick your ass." A few days later, on October 19, Bethel entered Singh's motel and shouted, "You still here? Go back to Allah!" before hitting Singh with a metal cane while he stood behind the counter in the motel lobby. Singh, who bled profusely from the blow, spent half a day in the hospital and required ten stitches on his head. Bethel was sentenced to nearly two years in prison for assault with a deadly weapon.125
Satpreet Singh
On September 19, 2001, Satpreet Singh, a turbaned Sikh, was driving in the middle lane of a two lane highway in Frederick County, Maryland. A pickup truck pulled up close behind Singh and the driver started making profane gestures towards him. The pickup truck then moved alongside Singh's car on his left and the driver took out a rifle. Singh increased his speed to get away from the pickup truck. Seconds later he heard rifle shots. No bullets hit Singh or his car. The pickup truck then turned around and started traveling in the opposite direction. Singh filed a criminal complaint with the local police. At the time of this writing, local authorities have not been able to ascertain the identity of the person who shot at Singh.126
Place of Worship Attacks
Mosques and places of worship perceived to be mosques appeared to be among the most likely places of September 11-related backlash violence. SAALT's survey of bias incidents reported in major news media found 104 bias incidents against places of worship reported during the first week after September 11.127 Of these 104 bias incidents, fifty-five were telephone threats, twenty-four involved harassment of mosque worshippers outside mosques, twenty-two involved property damage from vandalism, arson, or gun shots, and three were assaults on mosque worshipers.128 Arab churches, Sikh gurdwaras (houses of worship), and Hindu temples were also objects of backlash violence. The number of worshippers at the attacked mosques decreased for weeks following the attacks, apparently because of fear of additional violence.129
Although September 11 backlash violence against individual Arabs and Muslims decreased markedly by November 2001, attacks continued against mosques or houses of worship perceived to be Arab or Muslim. On November 19, 2001, four teenagers burned down the Gobind Sadan, a multi-faith worship center Oswego, New York, because they believed the worshippers were supporters of Osama Bin Laden.130 On March 25, 2002, a man who stated to police that he hated Muslims crashed his pickup truck into a mosque in Tallahassee, Florida thirty minutes after evening prayers.131On June 11, 2002, in Milipitas, California, vandals broke into a mosque under construction, scrawled derogatory remarks such as, "F- Arabs" and damaged the interior of a construction trailer near the mosque.132 On August 24, 2002, federal authorities announced they had discovered a plan by a doctor in Tampa Bay to bomb and destroy approximately 50 mosques and Islamic cultural centers in south Florida.133 The doctor's home contained rocket launchers, sniper rifles and twenty live bombs.134
Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Gurdwara
On the night of September 11, 2001, somebody threw three Molotov cocktails into the Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Gurdwara, a Sikh house of worship in Bedford, Ohio. The Molotov cocktails started a small fire that was quickly extinguished by the gurdwara's caretakers. Two windows were also broken. A report was filed with local police. No one has been apprehended for the crime.135
Mosque Foundation of Bridgeview
On September 12, 2001, over one hundred police officers were deployed to stop approximately three hundred protestors from marching on the mosque in Bridgeview, Illinois. The mosque is located in a neighborhood of mostly Arab and Muslim American families. Stopped two blocks from the mosque, the protestors then demonstrated for approximately three hours shouting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim insults such as "Arabs go home" and harassing passersby who looked Muslim or Arab. Similar protests, though smaller in size, were held over the next two days. Police from various jurisdictions cordoned off the area around the mosque, only allowing persons into the neighborhood who could prove they lived there. Many of the Muslim and Arab families remained in their homes for the next few days because they feared hostility once outside the police cordon. Scores of police protected the mosque during Friday prayers on September 14, 2001.136
Islamic Center of Irving, Texas
On the night of September 12, 2001, someone fired at the Islamic Center of Irving, leaving thirteen to fourteen bullet holes in the building. The shots were fired after the evening prayer had ended and the building was empty. For the first two or three days after the attack, local police provided security for the mosque. Immediately after the attack, the imam reported a noticeable decline in prayer attendance. He estimated that daily prayer attendance dropped from 150 to thirty or forty persons. Friday prayers dropped from one thousand to five hundred persons. Mosque attendance normalized after a few weeks.137
St. John's Assyrian American Church
On September 23, 2001, the St. John's Assyrian American Church was set on fire in Chicago, Illinois in the early morning, causing approximately $150,000 worth of damage. The fire was caused by someone who put a piece of paper through the church mail slot and then dropped a lit match onto it. Water from fire department fire extinguishers ruined holy pictures, carpeting, and floor tiles. According to the church's pastor, Reverend Charles Klutz, the person whom he believed set the fire had asked a local resident whether the church was a mosque. Reverend Klutz also stated that local police initially asked whether the church was a mosque when they first arrived at the church even though many crosses were located prominently on the church premises. Local police and federal authorities were investigating the cause of the fire at the time of this writing.138
Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio
Sometime during the evening of December 29, 2001, vandals broke into the Islamic Foundation of Central Ohio in Columbus, Ohio. The vandals broke a bathroom pipe and clogged the sink, forcing it to overflow for hours; tore frames encasing religious verses off a wall; destroyed a chandelier in the main prayer hall; flipped over the pulpit; cut the wires of high-mounted speakers and amplifiers and threw them to the ground; tore posters off a mosque classroom wall; pulled down curtains and drapes; and tipped over bookcases and file cabinets in a classroom and threw approximately one hundred copies of the Quran onto the floor.139 Water from the stopped-up third-floor sink seeped into the second floor main prayer hall, causing plaster pieces from the main prayer hall ceiling to fall. A torn Quran and a smashed clock from the mosque were found in the mosque parking lot.
The damage to the mosque was estimated at $379,000. The mosque was closed after the incident but planned to reopen in October 2002. Both local police and the FBI are conducting investigations.140
United Muslim Masjid
On November 16, 2001, during an evening Ramadan prayer service, rocks were thrown through two windows of the United Muslim Masjid in Waterbury, Connecticut. Approximately thirty-five to forty people were in the mosque at the time. Local police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. Dr. Magdy Adbelhady, a member of the mosque, said that local police were responsive to mosque member concerns and seemed to be taking the matter seriously. He said that immediately after the attack on the mosque, mosque attendance had dropped but was now back to normal.141
There have been press reports of more than fifteen arsons and attempted arsons that may be part of the post-September 11 backlash. 142 Local law enforcement agents believe that fires at six houses of worship were September 11-related hate crimes.143 The other press-documented cases of arson involved places of business owned or operated by Muslims, Arabs, or those perceived to be Muslim or Arab. There have been three convictions and one indictment thus far for September 11-related arsons.144
Curry in a Hurry Restaurant
On September 15, 2001, James Herrick set fire to the Curry in a Hurry restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah, causing minimal damage. Herrick admitted to setting the fire because he was angry over the September 11 attacks and knew the restaurant owners were from Pakistan. A federal district court in Utah sentenced him on January 7, 2001 to fifty-one months in jail.145
Prime Tires
On September 16, 2001, someone allegedly set fire to Prime Tires, a Pakistani-owned auto mechanic shop located in an enclave of Pakistani businesses in Houston, Texas. The fire destroyed the store. The store had received threats immediately after September 11. Thus far, police have been unable to ascertain who started the blaze and the motive of the perpetrator.146

Friday Aug 14, 2020
08-14-20 Arab Radio Kamala Harris, Beirut Bombing, Israeli Occupied UAE
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
08-14-20 Arab Radio Kamala Harris, Beirut Bombing, Israeli Occupied UAE
Its Friday August 14, 2020 … I’m Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to Radio Baladi … THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio …
In the future, I'd like to be introduced by my Game of Thrones Title:
Ray Hanania, the first of his name, the Mayor Slayer, breaker of Political Egos, Father of Wags, the one true believer of Steppenwolf and Jim Hendrix, Spirit of Jerusalem, and Scribe of the four High Schools Bowen, Bogan, Little Flower, and Reavis …
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights … for more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com … and afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by visiting my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.
We are broadcasting on Live Radio in Michigan on WNZK AM 690 this morning … 8 AM In Great Detroit, Ohio and Canada … and 7 AM in Chicago, 3 PM in Israeli Occupied Jerusalem and 4 PM in the Israeli occupied United Arab Emirates …
Our radio show call-in number is 248-557-3300
We had a fascinating and typical two weeks … first on August 4 we had the devastating explosion in Beirut that destroyed an entire area of Beirut, the seaport, the business district and much a large area of residential homes
In politics, we saw Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib win their respective Democratic Primaries guaranteeing their re-elections this November … also Congresswoman McCollum also won re-nomination which guarantees her re-election … of all of them, McCollum is the most effective pro-Arab member of the 435 member House of Representatives … yes people, we are lucky to have 10 voices in a 435 member sea of anti-Arab rejection … nothing gets done but it does make us happy to hear people scream and protest and sing "ala del ouana" tunes from the floor of the Congress … hey that’s better than nothing, I guess ...
And speaking of nothing … the Arab World continues to crack and fall apart and support Israel … last week the Washington DC Ambassador for the UAE published an Op-Ed urging normalization with Israel if they would abandon their plans to annex the Occupied West Bank which they basically already control lock stock and barrel … yet Israel didn’t abandon annexation … they said they would “suspend” annexation … in exchange for the UAE recognizing Israel and opening its borders to Israeli tourists, and Israeli soldiers and war criminals from the Netanyahu government …
Hey, but at least we have Rashida Tlaib in Congress to scream about all this … and do little else …
I guess all we can expect to be able to do is scream and yell and get angry … we can’t do anything about any of this …
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the Zionist Team, will dump Donald Trump the Muslim Hater and we will be back to normal … which basically is the Democrats pretending to support justice in Palestine and the Middle East from one side of their mouths while embracing everything Israel wants from the other side …
That’s what makes the Arab happy I guess …w e don’t have to change anything but we do need to hear at least someone yell and scream and stamp their feet in anger with us so we don’t feel alone
Wow … that’s victory …
Yea, Palestine is going to be Free (in our minds, of course, not reality – it’s being absorbed beginning under Democrats, continuing under Republicans and maybe this November under two of the most ardent American Zionists to hold public office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris … but at least Biden and Harris won’t support a “Muslim Ban” so I guess we can accept the destruction of Palestine …
Bread crumbs … we don’t get the loaf of bread … we get bread crumbs and we pretend that the bread crumbs are the bread and we pretend we are victorious and moving forward …
Yea, OK … life will never change … same old same old …
Our call-in number is 248-557-3300 … I want to hear your views
For more information on The Arab Street Radio and Podcast and on Ray Hanania's podcasts on mainstream American politics, and his award-winning writings and opinion columns visit www.Hanania.com.

Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Ed Sarpolus, Dennis Denno on Michigan 13th District Congress election
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Pollsters Ed Sarpolus and Dennis Denno discuss Michigan's 13th District Congress election
Season 3, Episode 12
Rashida Tlaib versus Brenda Jones in the August 4, 2020 Democratic Primary election for the 13th Congressional District
We have two guests on the show today, both pollsters and political analysts from Greater Detroit and we will talk about the hot contest between Rashida Tlaib and Brenda Jones … Tlaib won the 13th District seat in 2018 and Jones is the Detroit City Council president … both have worked with political candidates and clients
First Ed Sarpolus joins us .. Ed Sarpolus, founder and executive director of Target-Insyght, is recognized as one of Michigan’s most notable pollsters, analysts and strategists.
Later veteran political analyst, writer and podcaster Dennis Denno joins us … Dennis Denno founded Denno Research in 2004. For over 25 years he has helped candidates and elected officials shape issues and communicate with constituents.
Friday July 24, 2020 … I’m Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to Radio Baladi … THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio.
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights … for more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com … and afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by visiting my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
The Problem with the Arab American Community
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
The Problem with the Arab American Community
Award winning journalist and communicator Ray Hanania talks about how the Arab American community can overcome the self-imposed failings to become successful
July 21, 2020
Vol 3. Ep. 11
Ray Hanania discusses the challenges that Arab Americans face and their failure to be effective. He reviews the challenges they face in politics, communications ands the news media, and even with government programs like the Census and makes recommendations on how to change.
Hanania discusses the failure of Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and why she has not been a good champion of Palestinian rights and has failed as a congress person and will most likely lose the August 4, 2020 Michigan Democratic Primary election to challenger Brenda Jones, and he looks at the election battle between Republican Darrel Issa and Democrat Ammar Campo-Najjar in California and why Campo-Najjar, who has emphasied his Mexican American heritage over his Palestinian heritage, had a strong chance of winning.
And Hanania discusses the importance of communications and why so many Arab Americans just don't understand that Truth is not the message that you sell to win over the public. You sell perception first! You identify with the audience you are trying to win over and once you do identify then you introduce your issues and get your needs addressed.
Get more information on Ray Hanania at www.Hanania.com. Hanania's podcasts are distreibute through iTunes, Spotify and more.

Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Arab Radio: Ian Conyers discusses the Aug. 4, 2020 13th Congressional election
Arab Radio July 17, 2020 Guest Ian Conyers joins host Ray Hanania to discuss the August 4, 2020 Michigan Democratic Primary election and the battle for the congressional seat between controversial incumbent Rashida Tlaib and former Congresswoman and Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones
Ian Kyle Conyers the youngest state Senator in Michigan history. represented the Detroit Lincoln Park South Gate and Alen Park in the Michigan Senate for one term. Conyers was among the candidates who ran to succeed Congressman John Congress in the Democratic Primary in 2018. Ian is John Conyer’s nephew … today the 13th district is being fought over by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and former Congresswoman Brenda Jones who is also the Detroit City Council President. Ian Conyers and three other candidates who ran in 2018 have all endorsed Jones …
Hanania has repeatedly invited Rashida Tlaib to come on the radio show. "She has declined to allow me to interview her, even though I am Palestinian American, because of her personal dislike of moderate Arab American voices like my own," Hanania said. "Tlaib has also blocked me from her social media … not that I am missing much … and I wants, as Tlaib says herself often, "to speak truth."
Conyers accuses Tlaib of focusing on international issues after campaigning in 2018 on a platform that failed to mention any of the international issues that Tlaib has become associated with since her election in November 2018.
Conyers also contends that the 2018 battle had been confusing for voters because the Governor of Michigan at the time rescheduled the election to complete the term of retiring Congressman John Conyers and had it scheduled at the same time with the election for the full term in August 2018.
Brenda Jones won the election to complete the Conyers term, five weeks, while Tlaib won the full term election in which four African Americans ran and divided the strong African American vote in the district. In the August 4, 2020 election, Tlaib and Jones will face-off head-to-head, one-on-one and many believe that Talib will not be able to hold the seat int he face of a consolidated district vote.
The Arab street Radio is broadcast on the 2nd Tuesday of every month on WNZK AM690 radio and hosted by veteran Chicago City Hall and political columnist Ray Hanania.
Click here to listen to an interview with former Congresswoman and Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones on July 10, 2020. (Again, Rashida Tlaib was invited to be interviewed but she has repeatedly declined Ray Hanania's requests, blocking him from her social media.)
For more information on Ray Hanania's radio interviews and podcasts visit his online website hub at www.hanania.com.

Friday Jul 10, 2020
07-10-20 Brenda Jones Arab Radio PODCAST
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Brenda Jones candidate for Detroit's 13th Congressional District
Challenging first term incumbent Rashida Tlaib
Its Friday July 10, 2020 … I’m Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to Radio Baladi … THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio …
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights … for more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com … and afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by visiting my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.
The radio show call-in number is 248-557-3300
I am very honored this morning to have as my guest Brenda Jones, the President of the Detroit City Council and candidate for Congress in Michigan’s 13th District challenging first term incumbent Rashida Tlaib.
Brenda Jones won a special election to fill the remainder of the term of Congressman John Conyers, who was a good friend of mine for many years. Despite serving only a brief five-week tenure, Congresswoman Jones voted 77 times and sponsored two pieces of legislation while representing Michigan's 13th Congressional District.
There were two concurrent elections on August 7, 2018 to succeed Congressman John Conyers who died on Dec. 5, 2017.
The first was a special election which was held on Aug 7, 2018 to complete Conyers’ remaining term of office (five weeks).
The second election was held to fill Conyer’s vacant seat and represent the 13th district in the new two-year term.
Jones defeated Tlaib in the special election by a vote of 32,727 to Tlaib who had 31,084 with only four candidates in the race. But Tlaib defeated Jones in the two-year term election by a vote of 27,841 to Jones who had 26,941 votes with six total candidates including three other African Americans.
In this year’s rematch, Jones has been endorsed by all four of the candidates who ran in that 2018 election, Coleman Young, Ian Conyers, Shannelle Jackson and Bill Wild.
Jones has been endorsed by many others including by retired Judge Greg Mathis, one of the most popular judges who served on the District Court. And she is running against Rashida Tlaib in a one-on-one race August 4, 2020.
Jones was elected to the Detroit City Council in November 2005 and is in her third term. Since 2014 she has serviced as the City Council President working diligently to bring jobs, economic opportunities, neighborhood revitalization, and educational resources to all, positively impacting the quality of life for residents, public safety personnel, senior citizens, small business owners, government employees, veterans, and union members.
By the way, I have repeatedly invited Rashida Tlaib to join me on this radio show and to allow me to interview her for newspaper profiles, features and she has refused … her refusal has been very personal and I won’t go into the specifics but she has attacked me repeatedly and block me from her social media because I am an award winning columnist who has been a reporter and columnist for more than 45 years … and I will not be bullied.
Check out Jones’ website at
Click this link to read the story
Related story: Rashida Tlaib rejects the Two-State Solution, reversing her campaign pledge. Click here to read the story

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
06-12-20 Arab Radio Protests, Riots and Looters Oh My
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
06-12-20 Arab Radio Protests, Riots and Looters Oh My
Arab Radio Host Ray Hanania discusses the Black Lives Matter Protests and the horrible looting, arson and violence that took place under the cover of the protests that followed the killing of African American George Floyd in Minneapolis.
While most people denounced the Floyd killing only a few seemed to denounce the looting, arson and riots and seemed to take offense at those who criticized Black Lives Matter for not denouncing the violence strongly enough. In fact, although Floyd's brother urged an end to the violence and looting 10 days after his brother was killed the Floyd family lawyer who presumably is preparing a massive million dollar lawsuit against the Minneapolis Police blamed the looting and rioting on the Police and the history of police violence against Blacks.
Read Ray Hanania's report in the Arab News about the stores in Chicago that were looted and burned to the ground that the major news media and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot ignored by clicking here.
Many Americans have been bullied into silence about the looting, arson and violence that coupled with the Black Lives Matter protests and have been called racist for questioning BLM failures of leadership. Chicago's Mayor Lori Lightfoot has put the blame for problems on the police and it seemed that not enough was being done to arrest the looters, arsonists and thugs who were on television almost 24/7 destroying property.
Among the collateral damage of the looters and rioting were Arab American-owned grocery stores in the inner-city. No one wanted to talk about the violence against Arabs by the looters and BLM protestors. Arab owned stores were destroyed in Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, Minneapolis, Florida, New York and other cities -- although sources said Arab stores in Greatwer Detroit were spared the violence, and yet no one spoke out in their defense. No one offered support for their suffering. In fact, many people argued that destruction of property is not a major concern like taking a life, pushing aside the destruction by the looters and riotrs as unimportant.
Certainly places like Chicago seemed to take a backseat to the violence not wanting to provoke the protestors more.
We talk about that and more during this segment of US Arab Radio's The Arab Street Radio with Ray Hanania, June 12, 2020.
For more information visit Hanania's website hub at www.TheDailyHookah.com or www.Hanania.com.
Also, Hanania was experimenting with broadcasting the radio live on Facebook but the audio feed from the radio station did not come through properly.
Ray Hanania is the U.S. Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper. Email him at rghanania@gmail.com.

Saturday May 16, 2020
Ray Hanania Arab Radio Ali Younes and the Nakba
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Ray Hanania Arab Radio Ali Younes and the Nakba
May 15, 2020
Its Friday May 15, 2020 … I’m Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio …
I hope everyone is healthy and surviving the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic …
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights … for more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com … and afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or by visiting my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.
The radio show call-in number is 248-557-3300
Our discussion this morning:
On #ArabRadio now 7 AM CST (8 AM Detroit, 3 PM Jerusalem) live WNZK AM 690 & on Internet.
#ArabRadio this morning 8 AM EST Detroit (7 AM Chicago, 3 PM Jerusalem, 4 PM Dubai). The Nakba, how the Palestinian activists screwed up a just cause using divisive hatred, extreme violence, religious fanaticism, and spiteful jealousy. Yes, let's talk the truth this morning about the pathetic activists who profit from the suffering and want the conflict to continue otherwise they would be out of their self-created ego-driven jobs touring the lecture circuit of anger and preying on the suffering of the Palestinian masses who survive only through their own wits under Israeli oppression, violence and PR lies.
So who is our hope? Palestinian Israeli Arabs like Ayman Odeh and Ahmad Tibi, in the Knesset, and The Rev. Atallah Hanna who fights the good fight everyday for truth and justice in occupied Jerusalem ...
What do we do in confronting Israel?
Support Two-States; ignore the extremists; embrace Jews and Israelis who support justice for BOTH SIDES; end the hatred; speak out against the fanaticism in our our community as well as among Israelis and Jews; do a better job of telling our story.
To talk about all that and more is my friend and colleague Ali Younes who writes for Aljazeera English …
Our call-in number is 248-557-3300 … I want to hear your views
For more information on The Arab Street Radio and Podcast and on Ray Hanania's other podcasts on mainstream American politics, and his award-winning writings and opinion columns visit www.Hanania.com.

Friday May 08, 2020
Arab Radio Ray Hanania: Biden, Tlaib, Qatari violence, coronavirus
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Arab Radio Ray Hanania: Biden, Tlaib, Qatari violence, coronavirus
Ray Hanania's May 8, 2020 radio show broadcast from Detroit on WNZK AM 690 radio live on radio and online.
Its Friday May 8, 2020 … I’m Ray Hanania, special US Correspondent for the Arab News Newspaper … and you’re listening to THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast broadcast from Detroit, Michigan through 690 AM WNZK Radio …
I hope everyone is healthy and surviving the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic … and happy mother’s Day
THE ARAB STREET Radio & Podcast is a part of the US Arab Radio Network hosted by Laila Alhusini … in an effort to energize and empower Arab Americans to stand up for their rights …
For more information go to my website at www.Hanania.com …
Afterwards on podcast on iTunes, Spotify
Visit my podcast website www.TheArabStreet.org.
The radio show call-in number is 248-557-3300
Our discussion this morning:
On #ArabRadio now 7 AM CST (8 AM Detroit, 3 PM Jerusalem) live WNZK AM 690 & on Internet.
How is #COVID19 Impacting Arab Americans,
Election Polling on #Tlaib / #Jones,
#Qatar's brutal Sheikh Khaled @ArabNews
Joe Biden plans to restore aid to Palestinians and re-open Washington DC embassy

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
The Arab street Radio on Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic 04-10-20
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
The Arab street Radio on Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
April 10, 2020
Radio host Ray Hanania broadcasts live on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Michigan and the Midwest, online and also on Facebook discussing the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic on Friday April 10, 2020.
At the end of the show, Hanania interviews Hala Sanyurah-Shuaib who is the spokesperson for Life For Relief and Development, an agency based in Michigan that provides support to the needy, Arabs, Muslims and everyone.
We discuss also the death of Mansour Tadros, who died in late March as a result of the coronavirus, his COVID-19 funerals and his life.
And Hanania takes calls from listeners and chat son Facebook with the video audience there.
Happy Easter to mainstream Christians Sunday April 12, 2020 and Happy Easter to Orthodox Christians Sunday April 19, 2020.
Hanania also talks about the 2020 Census and the failure of the U.S. Government to include Arab Americans in the Census count and why that must change.
For more information on Ray Hanania's podcasts, visit his Hub Website at www.Hanania.com.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
03-13-20 Arab Heritage Month with Warren David
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Author and producer Warren David on The Arab street Radio
March 13, 2020. Activist Warren David joins radio host and syndicated columnist Ray Hanania on the Arab street Radio to talk about his background in journalism and communications, growing up Arab in America, the push to grow Arab American Heritage Month of April and a little about the politics and candidacy of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.
Broadcast live on WNZK AM 690 Radio in Detroit.
For more information visit Ray Hanania's website hub www.Hanania.com or visit www.ArabAmerica.com to get more information Arab American Heritage month.
Click here to read the story on the interview on The Arab Daily News online news website.
Arab Americans will be pushing to obtain Proclamations from the Governors of all 50 American states under a plan spearheaded by Warren and Amal David and their national Arab American online news organization at ArabAmerica.com.
David was the guest on the Ray Hanania radio show, “The Arab Street” on broadcast through the US Arab Radio Network on WNZK AM 690 radio in Detroit on Friday March 13, 2020, where he detailed the plans to expand the national recognition.
April is designated as Arab American Heritage Month by as many as 24 states, but David said he hopes to expand that to all 50 states in time for celebrations next month.
David noted that the effort has resistance from only one state, Arizona.

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Podcast: Netanyahu and Gantz elections; Sanders and Biden elections
Veteran award winning journalists Ray Hanania of the Arab News newspaper and Ali Younes of Aljazeera English analyze the recent elections in Israel and in the United States.
Israel's 3rd elections in less than a year took place on Monday March 2, 2020 resulting another uncertain outcome with Netanyahu leading in the number of Knesset seats but still shot to the 61 he needs to form a ruling coalition. Benny Gantz's Blue & White Party received the second largest number of Knesset seats, while the Arab Joint List achieved its highest Knesset win in history, 15 total seats, still show tof their 24 seat potential as 20 percent of Israel's population.
In the United States, the Democratic Party rallied around Joe Biden to give him a win over Bernie Sanders in the March 3, 2020 Democratic Primary contests in 14 states. Biden took most of the states with the backing of the Democrats and support from two predecessors who quit, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar.
Hanania and Younes analyzes both and explore how they are connected.
Read Ali's column at Aljazeera on the fact that there is no difference between Gantz and Netanyahu by clicking this link.
Read Ray Hanania's column at the Arab News Newspaper on the fact that the Democrats tanked Sanders because of his criticism of Israel and Netanyahu and support for the Palestinians by clicking this link.
Former information on this podcast and for prior podcast episodes visit www.TheArabStreet.org.

Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Compelling story on Sarah Gad - convicted of prescription drug use - who is running for Congress in the 1st Dist. Mar. 17, 2020